Innovation Leads to Success

Jenna Doyle and Patrick Schwab

Jenna Doyle, Class of 2023, and Patrick Schwab, Class of 2023, are two of Grand Valley’s distinguished engineering students. Their paths crossed when they were each awarded the Autocam Medical Scholarship, which allowed them to complete their industry-sponsored co-op placements with the medical device manufacturing company.

Autocam Medical was founded by John C. Kennedy D.P.S., past Chairman of the GVSU Board of Trustees and Honorary Life Member. John is a Grand Valley University Foundation Director and supporter of the GVSU Seymour & Esther Padnos College of Engineering & Computing.

Jenna shared how excited she was when she was awarded the scholarship.

“This scholarship would significantly relieve the financial burden of getting my undergraduate degree. I am very grateful to my professors for encouraging me to apply for the scholarship and also grateful that Autocam Medical believes in the power of educating the next generation of engineers and helps students by offering this scholarship,” said Jenna.

Patrick shared the same enthusiasm as Jenna.

“I was finishing a challenging summer course and was losing steam when I got the news,” he said. “It provided me with a spark that I still carry today.”

Both Jenna and Patrick plan to further their education by pursuing master’s degrees and said that being awarded this scholarship allowed them to gain valuable experience and knowledge of the industry they hope to work in one day.



Page last modified August 16, 2021