Grand Stewards of Grand Valley


John and Nancy Kennedy

On Tuesday, June 13, the Grand Valley community gathered to honor John and Nancy Kennedy. They received the Grand Stewards Award, which honors individuals who represent the highest level of leadership, service, and financial support for Grand Valley. 

John and Nancy's path has been intertwined with GVSU since the couple's early twenties. As a young man, John was invited to join his boss at the time to meetings with then GVSU President Don Lubbers to discuss the formation of an engineering program at GVSU. John became very involved in the project and never looked back. 

"I think young people always want to know how they can make a difference," said Sue Jandernoa, GVSU Board of Trustees chair. "It's more than just your treasure. It's your active involvement that is going to really make changes and that is what John and Nancy do."

Over the years, both John and Nancy have always taken an active role in Laker engineering, devoting time, talent, and treasure to develop the program. In 2007, the John C. Kennedy Hall of Engineering was dedicated in their honor. 

"When people like John and Nancy can take their best personal qualities and use them for the advancement of the community and the university, that's a great gift to everyone," said Don Lubbers, Grand Valley President Emeritus.

Their commitment to the betterment of the university only grew when John was appointed as a GVSU Board of Trustees member in 2002. After serving for 10 years, John was appointed as an honorary life member.

"We think we're called to be helping make lives better for everyone and we think Grand Valley does that in their own unique way," said John.

John and Nancy's generosity is not confined to GVSU engineering. They are true champions of education on all levels. John and Nancy run both professional and volunteer literacy programs that help close the literacy achievement gap for students living in under-served communities. 

"I don't think anyone in West Michigan has been more dedicated to the improvement of life in our community and particularly for the education and development of children," said Lubbers.

An interest in serving their community and a firm commitment to education on all levels is the root of John and Nancy's generosity. Their numerous contributions to the university and West Michigan impact countless students, and they encourage others to follow in their footsteps. 

"Investing in others is part of what we ought to do," explains Nancy. "We're not individual islands. We're a community and we need to act like a community and really invest in others."

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Page last modified July 10, 2023