Peter E Riemersma
Associate Professor of Geology

The Seymour K. & Esther R. Padnos Hall of Science # 131
One Campus Drive
Allendale, Michigan 49401-9403
Office Telephone: (616)-331-3553
Office Fax: (616)-331-3740
Electronic Mail: [email protected]
- B.S., Geology, University of Michigan (1984)
- M.S., Geology, University of Utah (1989)
- Ph.D., Hydrogeology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997)
Research Interests
Peter Riemersma's interests include hydrogeology, sedimentology and environmental science. He is interested in using computers to model groundwater flow in the subsurface and to investigate groundwater contamination problems. His research has focused on characterization of aquifer heterogeneity using deterministic and geostatistical methods. He is also interested in development of innovative and creative teaching techniques.
- Associate Professor of Geology, Grand Valley State University, 2003 - present
- Assistant Professor of Geology, Grand Valley State University, 1999 - 2003.
Riemersma, P.E., 1997, Geostatistical characterization of heterogeneity, simulation of advective transport, and evaluation of pump-and-treat systems in braided stream deposits, Ph.D. dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 239 pages.
Riemersma, P.E., Bahr, J.M., and Anderson, M.P., 1996, A comparison of geological and stochastic approaches to characterization of heterogeneity and their effects on simulations of pump -and- treat systems in Uncertainty in the Geologic Environment: from Theory to Practice:, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication for the August, 1996 conference in Madison, Wisconsin, 16 pages.
Riemersma, P.E., and M.A. Chan, 1991, Facies of the lower Ferron Sandstone and Blue Gate Shale Members of the Mancos Shale: lowstand and early transgressive facies architecture: in D.J.P. et al, (eds.), Shelf Sand and Sandstone Bodies, International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication Number 14, Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 489 - 510.
Riemersma, P.E., 1989, Sedimentology and depositional history of the lower Ferron Sandstone and Related Members of the Mancos Shale Formation, east-central Utah: masters thesis, University of Utah. Publications in preparation:
Riemersma, P.E., Bahr, J.M., and Anderson, M.P., A comparison between geologic and multiple indicator stochastic approaches to characterization of heterogeneity and their effects on contaminant transport, to be submitted to Mathematical Geology.
Riemersma, P.E., Effects of spatial connectedness of hydraulic conductivity on groundwater flow and advective transport, to be submitted to Water Resources Research.