American Association of Petroleum Geology (AAPG) Student Chapter

The GVSU AAPG Student Chapter promotes student understanding of technical geological material and possible careers related to the energy industry through field trips, lectures, mentorship, workshops, and other hands-on activities. The Chapter receives support from the AAPG Week's Fund and has visited the Drake Well, PA, the first oil well in the USA; Petrolia, the first, Victorian-aged, oil field in Canada; wells and operations in the local Walker-Grand Rapids oil field; and Niagara Falls to learn about its geology, hydropower, early canals, and toxic pollution at Love Canal. 

2018 AAPG Club members and Geology Department faculty: picture taken after a visit to the Fairbanks Oil Fields, a National Historic Site in Oil Springs, Ontario,  Canada

2018 GVSU AAPG Student Chapter members and Geology Department Faculty mentors: picture taken at the Fairbanks Oil Field, a National Historic Site in Oil Springs, Petrolia Ontario,  Canada

GVSU AAPG Student Chapter - Executive Board

President: Ethan Gardner

Vice President: Isaiah Peterson

Treasurer: Mariah Goetz

Secretary: Carter Yon

Faculty Mentor: John Weber



GVSU AAPG Chapter Meeting

Thursday, February 27, 2020 

4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

PAD 119 


Walker Oil Field - Tour/Discussion

Friday, March 20, 2020 

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 pm

Interested? Please meet at the Padnos Loading Dock at 2:00 p.m.  

tour led by: 

Eric Kimber, CPG

Senior Geologist

Oil, Gas, and Minerals Division

Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Kalamazoo District Office

Linacre #1 well, GR-Walker oil field

GVSU AAPG Chapter members

March 2017


Page last modified February 24, 2020