Steve R Mattox
Professor of Geology

The Seymour K. & Esther R. Padnos Hall of Science # 133
One Campus Drive
Allendale, Michigan 49401-9403
Office Telephone: (616) 331-3734
Office Fax: (616) 331-3740
Electronic Mail: [email protected]
- Ph. D., Geology, 1992, Northern Illinois University.
- M.S., Geology, 1986, Northern Illinois University.
- B.S., Geology, 1983, Indiana University.
Teaching Experience
- Associate Professor, Department of Geology, GVSU, 2003 to present.
- Assistant Professor, GVSU, 1998 to 2003.
- Lecturer, 2001, University of the Philippines College Baguio, Baguio City, Luzon, Philippines.
- Post-doctoral Research Volcanologist, University of North Dakota, 1995-1996.
- Lecturer, University of Hawaii at Hilo, 1991-1996.
- Visiting Lecturer, School of the Art Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1991.
Field Experience
- Iceland, 2018, three weeks at over 100 stops during site visit for GVSU Study Abroad.
- Michigan, 1998-2018, approximately 71 days in the field with 10 GVSU students at >336 outcrops.
- Exploration Geologist, 1997, east Java, Indonesia. Described and mapped volcanic, volcaniclastic, and shallow marine rocks of the early Miocene Java arc. Detailed mapping of a volcanic massive sulfide base-metal anomaly.
- Exploration Geologist, 1996-1997, Kimberley District, northern West Australia. Detailed and reconnaissance geologic mapping of Early Proterozoic rocks of the Halls Creek Orogeny. Detailed mapping of stratigraphically- and structurally-controlled gold anomalies.
- Mapping Geologist, 1984, 1987-1989, 1992-1993, central Utah. Described and mapped Cretaceous clastic sedimentary rocks in the Sevier foreland basin, Tertiary Flagstaff and Green River lacustrine deposits, and Tertiary volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. Published and presented findings.
- Volunteer Geologist, May 1990 through October 1990 and July through August 1989, U.S. Geological Survey, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Hawaii. Assisted geologists in monitoring the current eruption of Kilauea volcano. Assisted in the collection of gas and lava samples, field mapping, measuring lava and gas temperatures via thermocouple, and leveling surveys for deformation.
- Geologist Assistant, November 1986, Central Volcanic Zone, Chile, South America. Assisted in the mapping, field description, and sample collection of volcanic deposits of a Tertiary stratovolcano.
- Geologist Assistant, May through August 1985, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Assisted in the description of sediment dispersal patterns of tidewater glaciers.
Work Experience
- Exploration Geologist (east Java, Indonesia), Golden Valley Mines NL, West Perth, WA, 1997.
- Exploration Geologist (Kimberley), Precious Metals of Australia, West Perth, WA., 1996-1997.
- Consulting Geologist, Belt Collins & Associates, Honolulu, HI, 1993.
- Geologic Investigation Contractor, Utah Geological Survey, 1989-1990.
- Geologic Mapping Contractor, Utah Geological Survey, 1984-1989.
Awards, Honors, and Grants
- GVSU Alumni Association Outstanding Educator Award, 2009.
- Michigan Science Teachers Association, College Teacher of the Year, 2008.
- Pew Teaching Excellence Award for the Science and Mathematics Division, 2002.
- National Science Foundation, co-PI, Volcanology for Earth Science Teachers, 1994-1996, $315,000.
- National Park Foundation, to write "A Teacher's Guide to the Geology of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park", 1993-1994, $21,000.
Teaching and Research Interests
- Collaborating with undergraduate students in writing/presenting innovative teaching materials.
- Establishing a state-wide "AP" geology exam in Michigan.
- Completing "Geology Underfoot in Michigan" for Mountain Press.
- Learning paleomagnetism as a research method.
Selected Publications
Awad, A., and Mattox, S., 2009, Recruiting Students to Undergraduate Geoscience Programs through Dual -Credit and Dual-Enrollment Classes, GSA Today.
Mattox, S.R. Llerandi-Roman, P.A. & Fegel, L. 2008, Designing and implementing Earth science courses for a new integrated science program for K-8 teachers. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 56, no. 5, p. 417-421.
King, C.M., and Mattox, S.R., 2007, Learning Through Inquiry: Weaving Science with Thinking and Literature, Christopher-Gordon Publishers, 301 p.
King, C. and Mattox, S.R., 2004, Great Trade Books for Teaching Earth Science: Michigan Journal of Reading, v. 37, no. 1, p. 52-58.
Mattox, S.R., & Babb, J.L., 2004, Volcanology for Earth science teachers - A field-oriented course to improve Earth science teaching. Journal of Geoscience Education, v., p. 122-127.
Mattox, S.R., 2000, Teaching the Basics about Volcanoes to K-16 Students: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 48, p. 576-577.
Mattox, S.R., 1999, An Exercise in Forecasting the Next Mauna Loa Eruption: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 47, p. 255-260.
Selected Presentations
Mattox, S.R., 2008, Earth Science in Print Media, Insights from a Mid-Sized Newspaper: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, p. 249.
Mattox, S., and Bolhuis, C., 2007, Current Status of Earth Science Teaching in Michigan, Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program, p. 15.
Bolhuis, C., and Mattox, S., 2007, The Geologic Evidence of an Old Earth, Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program, p. 18-19.
King, C.M. and Mattox, S.R., 2007, Learning Through Inquiry: Pairing Science Trade Books and Hands-on Learning, Michigan Reading Association.
Mattox, S.R., 2006, How Gender and Race of Geologists are Portrayed in Physical Geology Textbooks: 4th International Conference on Geoscience Education, Bayreuth, Germany, p. 114.
Mattox, S.R., and Bolhuis, C., 2004, Developing a State-wide Applied Earth Science Exam: Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program.
Mattox, S.R., 2003, Using Radon Data to Incorporate a Research Experience for Earth Science Students: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 319.
Mattox, S.R., 2000, Training Students to Construct the Flood Potential of Major Waterways: A Case Study Using the Grand River in Southwest Michigan: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, no. 4., p. 50.
Mattox, S.R., 2000, Exploring Michigan Landforms: Hands-on activities for late elementary school students: Michigan Science Teachers Association conference.
Mattox, S.R., Kaawaloa, A.M., Babb, J.L., Heliker, C., and Wood, C., 2000, Multi-Agency and Academic Collaboration to Increase Public Knowledge of Geologic Hazards: A Case Study from the Island of Hawaii: 3rd International Conference on Geoscience Education, Sydney, Australia, AGSO Record 1999/49, p. 82-84.
Mentored projects with undergraduate students
Bostelman, S., Breimayer, J., Bumstead, L., Butler, K.,Check, D., Cooke, S., DeWitt, A., Gray, J., Harris, N., Hazel, M., Hendershot, B., Hernandez, J., Jorgensen, A., Lewis, E., Mathews, I., Mattox, S., Mishler, R., Murray, M., Pisz, M., Rickens, A., Rumpz, S., Sauve, R., Schmidtendorff, A., Slider, R., Stempky, A., Stevens, B., VanderBoon, C., Verwey, G., 2008, The Presentation of Science in a Mid-sized Newspaper, a Quantitative Study, Michigan Science Teachers Association Journal, v. 53, no. 2, p. 24-28.
Dryer, E., and Mattox, S., 2008, Evolution of Horses, Michigan Science Teachers Association Journal, v. 53, no. 2, p. 47-50.
Mattox, S., Bridenstine, M., Burns, B., Davis, E., Koning, A., Meek, P., Ritchie, M., Schafer, N., Shepard, L., Slater, A., Waters, T., and Wigent, A., 2008, How Gender and Race of Geologists are Portrayed in Physical Geology Text Books, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 56, no. 2. p. 156-159.
Laney, E., and Mattox, S.R., 2007, Using Simple 3-D Clay Models to Understand the Paths Taken by Lava Flows, Mudflows, and Pyroclastic Flows: Science Scope, v. 30, no. 3, p. 22-25.
Mattox, S.R., and King, K., 2006, Perspectives on Water Usage in Michigan and the Geology of the Ice Mountain Site, Michigan Science Teachers Association Journal, v. 51, p. 51-60.
Mattox, S.R., and Zeeff, C., 2006, The Great Quake of 1906, Science and Children, v. 44, no. 2, p. 14-16.
Bliss, M., and Mattox, S.R., 2006, Was that a Normal Winter?, Michigan Science Teachers Association Journal, v. 51, p. 5-13.
Coffey, P., and Mattox, S.R., 2006, Using a Rock Tumbler to Promote Critical Thinking about Weathering and Erosion: v. 29, no. 6, Science Scope. p. 33-37.
Mattox, S.R., and Webster, C., 2005, Modeling Geyser Eruptions in the Classroom: Science Scope, v. 28, no. 7, p.42-45.
Sullivan, S., and Mattox, S., 2005, Is Punxsutawney Phil Right? Using Groundhog Day to Teach Statistics and the Nature of Science: Michigan Science Teachers Association Journal, v. 50, no. 1, p. 26-29.
Mentored presentations with students
Butler, K., and Mattox, S., 2009, Comparing the Grand Rapids Press to Michigan's High School Graduation Requirements, Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program.
Hazel, M., and Mattox, S., 2009, Visualizing the Impact of Burning Coal, Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program.
Russo, J.C., and Mattox, S, 2009, Exploring the Timing and Location of the Next Hawaiian Volcano. Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program.
Frasco, M., and Mattox, S., 2009, Activities to Discover Your Students' Perceptions of Geologic Time, Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program.
Russo, J.C., Mattox, S.M, and Kildau, N.A., 2008, Predicting the Timing and Location of the Next Major Hawaiian Volcano, National Science Teachers Association, p. 165.
Vandyke, K.I., Dreyer, E.K., Pas, D.N., and Mattox, S., 2008, Using Trade Books to Teach About Soils, Gold, And The Evolution Of Horses, National Science Teachers Association, p. 112.
Frasco, M., and Mattox, S., 2008, Students' Conceptions and Misconceptions about the Age of Geologic Materials and Character and Timing of Geologic Ages, National Science Teachers Association, p. 106.
Mattox, S.R., 2007, Gender and Race in Physical Geology Textbooks: Reinforcing the Caucasian Male Stereotype of Geologists: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, p. 238.
Mattox, S.R., 2007, Designing Relevant, Field-based Environmental Exercises for K-12 Students, Kentucky Association for Environmental Education Conference, p. 4.
Wolfinger, C., and Mattox, S., 2007, Identifying Gender and Racial Bias in Children's Earth Science Trade Books, National Science Teachers Association, Advance Program, p. 162.
Brower, T., Essenmacher, S., VanderVelde, C., and Mattox, S., 2007, Using Topographic Maps to Explore Volcanoes, National Science Teachers Association, Advance Program, p. 114.
Leys, D., and Mattox, S., 2007, Exploring Students Conceptions and Misconceptions of Volcanoes, National Science Teachers Association, Advance Program, p. 154.
Schaefer, Z., Arsulowicz, M., and Mattox, S., 2007, Connecting modern fish to their ancient ancestors, National Science Teachers Association, Advance Program, p. 149.
Essenmacher, S., VanderVelde, C., and Mattox, S., 2007, Exploring Volcanoes Using Topographic Maps, Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program, p. 37.
Wolfinger, C., and Mattox, S., 2007, Gender and Racial Bias in Children's Earth Science Trade Books, Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program, p. 30.
Sullivan, S., Bliss, M., Kidwell, K., and Mattox, S., 2006, Engaging middle school students in analysis/evaluation of weather data: Michigan Science Teachers Assoc. Conference Program, p. 31.
King, K., and Mattox, S., 2006, Exploring the Geology of the Ice Mountain Bottled-Water Site: Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program, p. 38.
Mattox, S.R., and Richardson, L.M., 2005, Viewing the Geologic Timeline from the Perspective of Integrated Science: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 153.
Mattox, S.R., Pohl, D., and Gasparick, G., 2004, Engaging Elementary Students in Earth Science through Reading, an Update: Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program.
Mattox, S.R., Rhodea, J., Nolasco-Javier, D.D., and Vera-Yabes, R.N.F., 2003, International Collaboration in Geoscience Education: A Case Study between the Philippines and the United States: 4th International Conference on Geoscience Education, Calgary, Canada, p. 137-138.
Mattox, S.R., and Gasparick, G., 2003, Engaging Elementary Students in Earth Science through Reading: Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference Program.
Mattox, S.R., and Prough, B., 2002, Ten Great Ways to Engage Students in Geosciences: National Science Teachers Association, Advance Program.
Mattox, S.R., Prough, B., and Fenlon, M., 2002, Constructing Middle- and High-School Students Knowledge of Earth Science through Relevant Inquiry-Based Lessons: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34.
Mattox, S.R., and Prough, B., 2002, Exploring the hydrosphere, climate, and geologic history of Michigan: Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference program.
Mattox, S.R., and Fenlon, M., 2001, Exploring Michigan's Geology through Hands-on Inquiry-based Lessons: National Science Teachers Association, Advance Program, p. 15.
Mattox, S.R., and Fenlon, M., 2001, Michigan's Earth System, Exploration through hands-on, inquiry-based lessons: Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference program, p. 29.
Mattox, S.R., and Fenlon, M., 2000, Exploring Michigan using Maps: A Progress Report On New Curriculum For The Middle School Classroom: Michigan Space Grant Consortium Conference.
Mattox, S.R., and Firlit, J., 1999, Landforms Of Michigan: A Progress Report On New Curriculum for the Elementary School Classroom: Michigan Space Grant Consortium Conference.