WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Classes shift to remote.
Ian Z. Winkelstern
218a Padnos Hall of Science
1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401
Our paleoclimate research was recently featured in this 2 minute video:
With a GV Magazine feature story here:
If you are a GV student interested in climate, sedimentology, or geochemical research, please reach out!
Opportunities are available for research projects.
Current Funding
NSF Award #1903389: Interglacial Climate in Bermuda and Beyond
In collaboration with the University of Michigan. Funding through 2024. Details:
NSF Award #2118660: Experimentally Evaluating the Relationship between Cation Ordering and Oxygen and Clumped Isotope Fractionation in Dolomite
In collaboration with Western Michigan University and the University of Michigan. Funding through 2025. Details:
Education & Experience
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 2016 - 2018
Isotopologue Paleoscience Laboratory, University of Michigan
Ph.D., 2016
University of Michigan Earth and Environmental Sciences
M.S., 2012
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Geological Sciences
B.S., 2010
University of Michigan Geological Sciences
Geo 100: Environmental Geology
Geo 105: Living with the Great Lakes
Geo 111: Exploring the Earth
Geo 175: Research Tools for Geosciences
Geo 312: Sedimentation - Stratigraphy
Geo 315: Geological Field Methods
Geo 330: Data Analysis for Earth Scientists (newly developed course)
Selected Publications
GVSU Student Authors are also in bold
Minnebo, L., Winkelstern, I., Zhang, J., and Petersen, S. (2024) Last Interglacial coastal hydroclimate variability in Bermuda revealed by clumped isotope oyster sclerochronology. Paleo3 v. 643. LINK
Landstra, R. and Winkelstern, I. (2023) Constraining the Formation Environment of Modern Pisolites at Ore Lake, Michigan. Sedimentologika v. 1. LINK
Zhang, J., Petersen, S., Winkelstern, I, Lohmann, K. (2021) Seasonally Variable Aquifer Discharge and Cooler Climate in Bermuda During the Last Interglacial Revealed by Subannual Clumped Isotope Analysis. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36 (6)
Winkelstern, I. Z., Lohmann, K.C., Rowe, M., Defliese, W., Petersen, S., and Brewer, A. (2017) Meltwater Pulse Recorded in Last Interglacial Mollusk Shells from Bermuda. Paleoceanography 32: 132-145.
Winkelstern, I. Z. and Lohmann, K.C. (2016) Shallow burial diagenesis of dolomite and limestone clumped isotope geochemistry. Geology 44: 467-470.
Winkelstern, I. Z., Kaczmarek, S. E., Lohmann, K. C, and Humphrey, J. (2016) Calibration of dolomite clumped isotope thermometry. Chemical Geology 443: 32-38.
Google Scholar Profile:
Link to CV:
Current as of July 2024.
Talk for Volunteers at Frederik Meijer Gardens, 2022
Field work in South Carolina
Field work in Bermuda