State Funded Initiative: Michigan Alliance for Families (MAF)

Michigan Alliance for Families

This article originally appeared in START Connecting in December 2019. 

The Michigan Alliance for Families (MAF) is a statewide parent resource agency supporting families of children with disabilities and their involvement in their child’s education. MAF maintains regional parent mentors across Michigan who themselves have a family member with a disability. Every staff member promotes parent advocacy and is trained in helping parents support their child’s education. Families or professionals can contact their regional parent mentor with questions related to disabilities, special education and related services, and navigating the special education system.

There are a number of resources provided by MAF, including a website with specific information about special education topics, webinars, a YouTube channel with useful videos related to special education, and a number of special education-related events and workshops across Michigan. 

Family involvement is very important to any child, and for children with disabilities a family’s involvement in their educational experience can help with their own learning and advocacy and improve their child’s learning and overall outcomes.  

To find out more information, go to the MAF website, contact your regional parent mentor, or download a brochure.  

Written by: Stacie Rulison, M.Ed, BCBA

*Each state receives federal grant funding through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and is required by law to provide a state-level organization providing family-based resources and services. The national parent training center is the Center for Parent Information & Resources (CPIR) and is often referenced as the Parent Center Hub. CPIR provides information to state parent information centers, like MAF, and comprehensive resources and information for the families supported by the state centers.

Page last modified July 8, 2024