
Science on Tap - Courtship In The Fruit Fly: What's Histamine Got To Do With It?

Science on Tap - Courtship In The Fruit Fly: What's Histamine Got To Do With It?

Date and Time

Thursday, December 13, 2018 8:00 PM


The fruitfly (Drosophila melanogaster), which has been studied as a genetic organism since the early 1900s, has recently been a subject of many investigations as a model system to better understand basic principles in biology, including the identification of the underlying components of stereotypic behaviors as well as mechanisms of addiction. In this presentation, Dr. Martin Burg will discuss some of his lab’s most recent findings in what effects the lack of histamine has to do with several well characterized behaviors commonly studied that are related to successful courtship.

SPEAKER: Martin Burg, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences, Grand Valley State University
LOCATION: SpeakEZ Lounge 
MAP: 600 Monroe Ave. Grand Rapids NW 49503
DATE: Thursday, December 13

Twitter: @ScienceOnTapGR

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Page last modified November 15, 2018