Study Abroad Storytelling Workshop

Have you felt like you can't find the right words to share your transformative experience abroad with your friends and family?

Do you want to learn how to share your study abroad experience in an engaging way?

Join us for our Storytelling Workshop for returned study abroad students. Telling your story is a powerful way to connect with those around you. It is also a valuable tool that you can use to speak about your study abroad experience in social settings and job interviews. In this workshop you will learn the basics of telling an engaging and compelling story and you will have the opportunity to create a story from your personal experience abroad. This workshop is designed for students preparing to tell a short story at the Global Laker Story Slam but participants are NOT required to tell a story at the slam event.

This event counts towards the free graduation sash for students participating in the Returned Student Series


Date, Time, and Location:

Fall 2023 - CANCELLED - check back for Fall 2024 dates.


Page last modified August 22, 2023