Study Abroad Mentorship Program
The Study Abroad Mentorship program connects outgoing study abroad students with GVSU students that have recently returned from a study abroad program in the same region of the world. The goals of the program are to create meaningful connections between GVSU students, provide outgoing students with support from a peer who has recently navigated the process of studying abroad, and create an opportunity for returning study abroad students to share their knowledge and experience with peers.
In the past, outgoing students have found their interactions with peers who have already studied abroad to be the most helpful and meaningful resources for study abroad planning.
Returned students have found that sharing their experiences with outgoing students is rewarding and a meaningful way to reflect on their study abroad experiences.
Sign up for the program below as either a outgoing study abroad student or a returned student. You will meet your mentor or mentee at our first mixer event.
Contact Claire Lynch, [email protected] with any questions.
Outgoing Study Abroad Students (Mentee)
Are you interested in connecting with a GVSU student who has already studied abroad? The study abroad mentorship program is designed to connect an outgoing study abroad student with a student who recently studied abroad in the same country. The process of preparing to go abroad can be overwhelming but with the mentorship of a returned student the Padnos International Center hopes to ease this transition. The program is a time commitment of five meetings throughout the semester. The first and second meeting will be a group mixer to meet your mentor and get to know others in the program. You will need to organize two meetings with your mentor on your own time and we will provide information on discussion topics. The final send off meeting will be a mixer with all students.
Date, Time, and Location:
Peer Mixer: Friday, October 4th, 2024 1-2 pm 2270 Kirkhof Center 2266
Mid-Semester Meeting: Friday, November 1st, 2024 1-2 pm Kirkhof Center 2266
Final Send-Off: Friday, December 6th, 2024 1-2 pm 2270 LIB 030 Multipurpose Room
The Sign-Up Deadline is September 20th! You will be contacted by September 27th regarding your pairing.
Returned Study Abroad Students (Mentor)
Are you interested in mentoring an outgoing study abroad student? The study abroad mentorship program is designed to connect an outgoing study abroad student with a returned study abroad student. The process of preparing to go abroad can be overwhelming. Through sharing your experience with an outgoing student, you can help to make that process a little less overwhelming and you will have the opportunity to reflect on what you have learned. The Mentorship Program requires a time commitment of five meetings throughout the semester. Your first meeting will be a mentor-only meeting where we go over the expectations and guidelines of the program, this will be held at 12:30 pm just before the Peer Mixer on Friday, October 4th. The first and second meetings will be group mixers with everyone in the program. You will need to organize two meetings with your mentee on your own time and we will provide information on discussion topics. The final meeting will be a mixer with all students. This program is part of the Returned Student Series and by completing all of the requirements, you are eligible to receive a free study abroad graduation sash. Once the sign-up form closes, you will receive an email regarding your pairing. We do our best to pair everyone and if we are not able to pair you it is because we did not have any outgoing students from your study abroad country sign up to receive a mentor. If we are not able to pair you this semester, be on the lookout for the sign-up form again next semester!
Date, Time, and Location:
Mentor Training & Peer Mixer: Friday, October 4th, 2024 12:30-2 pm 2270 Kirkhof Center 2266
Mid-Semester Meeting: Friday, November 1st, 2024 1-2 pm Kirkhof Center 2266
Final Send-Off: Friday, December 6th, 2024 1-2 pm 2270 LIB 030 Multipurpose Room
The Sign-Up Deadline is September 20th! You will be contacted by September 27th regarding your pairing.