Opportunity Title
Volunteers for campaign to end partisan Gerrymandering in Michigan

Opportunity Type
On Going

Duties of Volunteer
Voters Not Politicians (VNP) is a grassroots, nonpartisan organization which is currently circulating petitions to place a constitutional amendment on the 11/6/18 Michigan ballot to end the practice of partisan Gerrymandering. More information is available at votersnotpoliticians.com. Volunteer opportunities include collecting petition signatures, doing outreach to individuals and organizations, and being part of VNP's education and fundraising efforts. Volunteers will be needed continuously through November 6, 2018.

Deadline to register
November 6, 2018

John Carlson

Details of special training
Volunteers who want to collect petition signatures will be trained to carry out that task.

Details of special skills

Is the location accessible by The Rapid?

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