Web-Based Surveys


The department of statistics through the SCC supports survey based research using GVSU Qualtrics Survey Software Information software that is available to all GVSU faculty/staff/students as a site license, centrally funded. Qualtrics is a web-based survey creation, collection, and analysis software tool. Can be used for the creation of open surveys, targeted (panel) surveys, and open polling.[ GVSU Qualtrics Survey Software Login ]. Click link for Qualtrics Tutorial. All SCC staff  are required to sign a confidentiality consent form [CCF]

The protocol for supporting survey-based research is as follows:

  • Client to contact the statistical consulting center by completing the form at this link:MAKE AN APPOINTMENT

  • Client to meet with SCC staff to go over draft survey instrument.

  • Client to provide a revised set of questions electronically to enable copying/pasting into the web browser.

  • Client to specify/explain any special skip logic between questions/pages in the survey instrument.

  • SCC staff help setup/design survey online using GVSU Qualtrics Survey Software Information and provide the link to client for review and recommend corrections as appropriate.

  • SCC staff provide the live GVSU Qualtrics Survey Software Login link to client for distribution to their target sample/population OR client provides emails of target population to be surveyed to the scc staff  for survey distribution. 

  • SCC staff provide the Qualtrics link to client  to download the survey results when data collection period expires. 

  • SCC staff offer client the option of assisting with data analysis.

Additional Information


Page last modified July 5, 2024