Animals on Property Owned or Controlled by the University

SLT 6.1

  1. Policy
  2. Policy Statement
  3. Procedures


This Policy applies to all faculty, students, staff, contractors, vendors, and visitors.

Policy Statement

This policy is intended to enhance the safety and health of students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, and other visitors and to supplement the existing GVSU policies, by providing rules and regulations regarding the presence of animals in GVSU facilities. 

No person shall bring any animal(s) onto University-owned or controlled property unless otherwise permitted by this or other University policy as listed below. *  

Service Animals, Service Animals in Training, and Emotional Support Animals are exempt from this policy and are permitted on University-owned or controlled property in accordance with the University’s Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Policy.


A. Permitted Animals:

  1. Animals accompanied by members of the University community and visitors, provided that the animal remains on sidewalks and University walkways.
  2. Animals being transported and which remain inside of a vehicle.
  3. “Duty animals” under the control of a law enforcement officer or animals used for “assisted therapy” in the University Counseling Center. These animals are trained and certified to provide psychological, physiological, and law enforcement duties to individuals or groups.
  4. Animals approved by the University for use in research or for instructional purposes
  5. Animals brought on campus for a special event sponsored by the University or a student organization provided that the event has been pre-approved in writing by the Dean for the sponsoring college or department or by the Office of Student Life.

B. General Requirements:

  1. All animals must be licensed, vaccinated, and tagged as required by applicable law. 
  2. All animals must be under the control of their owner and leashed or in an appropriate animal carrier.  
  3. Persons bringing animals onto University owned or controlled property as permitted by this Policy are solely responsible for:

    a. Ensuring that animal droppings or other waste are picked up, thoroughly cleaned up, and properly disposed of in designated outdoor receptacles.
    b. Reimbursing the University for the costs associated with the repair of any real and/or personal property and/or University facility damaged directly or indirectly by the animal or the animal’s presence.
    c.  Assuming full responsibility for any harm caused to others by their animal, including medical expenses.
  4. Animals may not be cleaned or groomed in rest rooms, locker rooms, or other University facilities, except as authorized by University personnel.
  5. Individuals bringing animals on campus must comply with all other applicable University ordinances, policies, practices, and procedures and any applicable local, state, or federal ordinance, statute and/or regulation.  

C. Enforcement of Complaints:  

  1. If you become aware of a violation of this policy, you are encouraged to attempt informal methods of resolution. For example, if you recognize the person violating this policy, you might contact them or their supervisor to make them aware of the problem. If that is not successful and/or if you are not comfortable approaching the person violating the policy or their supervisor, then the Department of Public Safety should be notified. The Department of Public Safety may pick up the animal and hold it for 48 hours. Animals not claimed during that time will be turned over to the county animal control officer and the owner of the animal will be responsible for any associated fees.
  2. Students in violation of this policy will be referred to the University conduct process through the Dean of Students Office and may be assessed a fine of up to $250. Employees in violation of this policy will be referred to the Human Resources Office for possible disciplinary action.  

D. Policy Modifications

Faculty and staff wishing to request a modification or exception to this policy as a reasonable accommodation should contact the Employee Accessibility Resources.

Students wishing to request a modification or exception to this policy as a reasonable accommodation should contact Student Accessibility Resources.

*For purposes of this Policy, “University Facility or Facilities” means any building, facility, structure, or improvement, open or enclosed, that is owned, licensed, leased by, or under the control of the University.