
Russ Shifferd

Visiting Faculty, Health and Physical Education

Office: KHS 4414       
Phone: (616) 331-2432
Email: s[email protected]

Winter 2024 Office Hours: Mon (via zoom) 10:00a-11:00a, Tue/Thur 10:00a-11:00a, or by appt.

B.S. Physical Education
M.S. Education

Courses Taught:
HPE 207
HPE 267
HPE 240
FIT 131

Why I Became a Health Educator:

I have always enjoyed teaching people new things and the joy on their face when they have succeeded at their goal. I am also a very active person and I love playing games. Any game with a ball, a bag, a hoop, or frisbee I love to play. In fact, I will try any new game or activity out there as well. Which lead me to teach kids to love physical activity as much as I do. I believe there is a physical activity out there for everyone to enjoy, they just have to get out there and find it.

What I Love Most About Our Program:
I am quite adventurous and I love the outdoors. I believe in the theory “No child left inside”! So when I can get kids to put down their phones down and start enjoying and engaging in an activity, especially one outside, I get excited. What I really like most about teaching is when students find joy in moving. I really love it, when after an activity students will come up and say” I didn’t know this was so much fun!”

Page last modified January 16, 2025