High School Band Day

2024 GVSU Band Day!
GVSU Band Day!
The Mu Kappa Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Laker Marching Band invite YOU to the Annual GVSU High School Band Day on Saturday, September 28, 2024 as the Lakers of Grand Valley take on the West Florida Argonauts! One member or the whole band can register to attend! On Saturday, September 28, 2024, the Band Day Check In opens at 8:30am, activities beginning at 10:30am, and Kick Off at 3:00pm.
Come be apart of the action with the National Championship Laker Football Team as the GVSU Band Day musicians perform in a powerful mass band with the GVSU "Pride of the Midwest!"
To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, the band director, parent, or chaperone must accompany participants.
If you have any questions please free to contact us by phone at (616) 331-2942, or by email at [email protected].
Band Day Registration
Registration Information
- Online Registration will open on August 1
- All participants and guests must register online.
- You can enter 1-15 registrants (participants and guests).
- If you have more than 15, then you will need to submit more than one time.
- Online registrations:
- Registrations with Band Day T-Shirts orders MUST be submitted by the director or their appointee by Monday, September 9, 2024.
- Registrations without Band Day T-Shirt orders must be submitted by the director or their appointee by Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
- To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, the band director, parent, or chaperone MUST accompany participants.
Band Directors
Band Directors can download a Band Day Registration Help Packet that contains:
- Band Day Letter
- Registration Work Sheet to assist with online registration
- Map of GVSU Allendale Campus with marked parking (free) and drop off location
GVSU Band Day Costs
- The cost of attendance for a student participant is $15.
- This covers the student's ticket to the football game and music.
- Guests can request football tickets ($13/per person) for the game through the online GVSU Band Day Registration site.
- Every guest attending the football game will need to purchase a ticket.
- Students and Guests can request:
- Meal ticket ($10/per person) and/or an official GVSU Band Day T-Shirt ($7/per person) through the online GVSU Band Day Registration form.
- Both the meal and t-shirt are optional.
- All who are purchasing a football ticket or dinner ticket must register through the GVSU Band Day Online Registration by Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
- Band Day T-shirts MUST be ordered along with registrations by Monday, September 9, 2024. No additional Official Band Day T-Shirts can be ordered after September 9, 2024.
- Refunds will be honored until Friday, September 20, 2024.
Band Day Parking
A. Personal Cars
- Parking is FREE in Lot H2, H4, K East and K West that are NOT designated for Faculty/Staff or Paid Parking
- These are the closest lots to the Performing Arts Center (PAC)
- You must pay to park in all other Allendale campus parking lots
B. Bus Parking
- Park in Lot H4 ONLY
C. Band Day Participant Drop Off for Buses
- Buses can drop off students in Lot M across from the Haas Center for Performing Arts Field where Band Day Check In takes place.
- After drop off, buses will need to park in Lot H4 ONLY
D. GVSU Allendale Campus Map
Band Day Parking - Allendale Campus Map
Payment & Required Forms
I. Payment
Only checks are accepted. No cash or credit cards.
- Payments will be accepted by mail (encouraged) through Friday, September 27, 2024 or at the Band Day Check-in on September 28, 2024.
- All participants and guests must be paid in-full on or before Saturday, September 28, 2024 to participate.
- Checks should made out to: 2024 GVSU Band Day
Please send checks to:
2024 GVSU Band Day
1 Campus Drive, 1300 Haas Center for the Performing Arts
Allendale, MI 49401
II. Required Form for All Participants to Complete. Submit completed form at Band Day Check In.
Photo Release Form
**Please review the Drop Off/Pick Up GVSU Band Day Program policy below.
Check In
Band Day Check In is from 8:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. at the Haas Center for the Performing Arts practice field.
All materials (Music, T-Shirt, Tickets for students and Tickets for Guests) will be handed out at Check In.
We offer a Pizza, bread Sticks, and Salad lunch from 12:00-1:00 p.m. for students and guests with a meal ticket. A meal ticket ($10/per person) can be requested through the online GVSU Band Day Registration form. The meal is completely optional.
If you choose to not purchase a meal ticket, other food options are offered by GVSU Laker Food Co.
Drop Off / Pick Up Policy for Participants
Drop Off:
Location: The Drop Off location is Parking Lot M across from the Check-In tent at the Haas Center for Performing Arts Practice Field that is located behind the Haas Center for Performing Arts.
Time: 8:30a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Pick Up:
Location: Lubbers Stadium - South Gate Entrance
A) Participants leaving immediately after halftime must be met by their parent/legal guardian/approved chaperone at the South Gate of Lubbers Stadium at approx. 5:00 p.m.
B) Participants staying for the rest of the game will remain in the designated seating until the end of the game. Participants will be met their parent/legal guardian/approved chaperone at the South Gate of Lubbers Stadium at approx. 7:00 p.m.
To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, the band director, parent, or chaperone must accompany participants.
Each band can purchase the following musical selections that will be performed during the 2024 Band Day Halftime Show or music will be provided the day of the event:
Selection #1: Smells Like Teen Spirit, arr. Tom Wallace
Selection #2: Holiday, arr. Jay Dawson
Stand Cheers And GVSU Fight Song: Parts posted below
- ALL participants must bring their own instrument or flag, lyre and flip folder.
- GVSU will not provide any instrument or flag, lyres or flip folders for the Band Day Event.
- Participants must secure their case and personal items in their vehicle before marching to the stadium.
- Participants cannot store cases or personal items in the GVSU Band Room or the Haas Center for Performing Arts.
Uniform Information
- Participants wear their HS Band Uniform at the performance.
Color Guard Information
Please review the Color Guard Videos and Notes in the section below.
Majorette Information
- Majorettes will be placed as a group alongside the GVSU feature twirlers
- Song #1 -
- The twirlers will be provided a video after registration of the routine that they will perform with the GVSU feature twirler.
- Song #2 -
- This song will allow the twirlers to showcase their talents. Please come with some 1,2, and 3 baton work prepared. You will be placed next to other twirlers but you will perform your own routine.
All majorette participants can contact Emelia Adam ([email protected]) if you have any questions.
GVSU Band Day Schedule
Time |
Description |
8:30-10:15am |
Band Day Check-In at Haas Center for Performing Arts Marching Band Field |
9:30-10:20am |
Laker Marching Band Rehearsal at the Haas Center for the Performing Arts Marching Band Field. Open rehearsal. ALL encouraged to attend! |
10:30-11:45am |
Mandatory Rehearsal with Laker Marching Band at Haas Center for Performing Arts Practice Field |
12:00-1:00pm |
Pizza Dinner (for those who purchased) at Haas Center for the Performing Arts Marching Band Practice Field or GVSU Band Room (if raining) ** Participants should be uniform by 1:15 p.m. ** All cases/personal items must be secured in vehicles before marching to the stadium. Participants cannot store cases or personal items in the GVSU Band Room or in the Haas Center for Performing Arts. |
1:20pm |
Line up at Haas Center for Performing Arts Practice Field to prepare for march to Lubber's Stadium |
2:15pm |
Arrive at Lubber's Stadium - Band Day participants go to designated seating in stadium |
3:00pm |
Kick Off! - ANCHOR UP! **Participants are dismissed after halftime. Participants leaving after halftime must be met by their parent/legal guardian/approved chaperone at the South Gate of Lubbers Stadium at approx. 5:00 p.m. **Participants staying for the rest of the game will remain in the designated seating until the end of the game. Participants will be met their parent/legal guardian/approved chaperone at the South Gate of Lubbers Stadium at approx. 7:00 p.m. |
Color Guard Videos and Notes
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Quarter C 122 bpm
M1-4 16 counts
1-8 GV Double Fast Toss to slam
9-16 HS Repeat
M5-8 16 counts
“Tom Wallace” to right slam
1-4 top cone, bottom cone
5 follow through to extended up, both hands on bottom cheater
6 continue, don’t change direction, to low 45 on right side, left hand palm out, thumbs towards silk, left toe point
7-8 flag comes overhead on 45, both hands at bottom cheater thumbs towards silk
9-10 flag swings out to left in left hand with small lunge, free arm like an extension of pole
11-12 continue to right slam behind back, grab right hand at tape, palm towards body
13-14 sweep toes through to left present, knee turns in with right toe dragging in
15-16 flag follows through to right slam, toe drags back to turned out knee in second position
M9-16 32 counts
“Tonight” From Right Slam
1 pop up to flag up, right hand on bottom cheater, arms 90 degrees to each other on 45s parallel to ground
2 hold
3-4 flag sweeps toes to right in right hand at bottom cheater, hand stays low, not extended, silk up on 45, upper body twists to face right
5 place pole on right shoulder
6 turning body back to front, pole passes behind head
7 continue motion to face left, place pole on left shoulder
8 pop up to back present facing left
9 continue motion of flag to float to flat at waist, flag on left, hands tape and bottom cheater
10-12 chaine right
13 releve lifting flat fully extended up
14 push flag out, flat back, plié with tondue left
15 upper body relaxes as flag continues to the ground
16 everything returns to flat at waist, second position, chin up
1 pop up to inverted at tape in right hand, left hand up curved arm
2-6 side to side flourish (front-back-front) free arm floats down on 4
7-8 small release, not a full on toss, follow through at eye level to flag low to left in hip shoulder, right hand at top cheater and left hand 1/3 into silk, both thumbs towards bottom cap
9 lunge left sliding flag out and grabbing bottom cheater with left hand
10 hold
11-12 small sweep around, just big enough to clear ground without lifting left hand, to right slam
13-16 large stir bringing feet together in releve on 14 and finishing in second position 16
M17-20 16 counts
Repeat “Tom Wallace”
M21-28 32 counts
Repeat “Tonight”
M29-32 16 counts
Repeat M1-4
M33-38 24 counts
1-16 Repeat “Tom Wallace” but come to a chest flat instead of slam
17-20 Turn 4 to left
21-24 chest lateral
(This set to the end in last video link)
M39-43 16 counts
Adjusted first half of “Tonight”
1-12 remain the same (through the chaine turn)
13-14 left hand slides to Meet right at bottom cheater, pushing out to a front slam, bend legs and exaggerate upper body
15-16 switch hands sliding into a right slam in second position
M43-46 16 counts
Repeat M1-4
M47-end 15 counts
1-12 extended oar to ground on left
13-15 right arm sweeps around to extend line
Quarter Note = 150-160 bpm
Between songs move to right slam
M1-8 32 counts
1 Right Shoulder; 2 hold
3 down of a drop spin; 4 hold
5 Left Shoulder; 6 hold
7 Left Slam; 8 hold
9 Left Shoulder; 10 hold
11 down of a left drop spin; 12 hold
13 Right Shoulder; 14 hold
15 Right Pesent; 16 hold
1 Right Shoulder; 2 hold
3 down of a drop spin; 4 hold
5 Left Shoulder; 6 hold
7 Left Present; 8 hold
9 Left Shoulder; 10 hold
11 down of a left drop spin; 12 hold
13 Right Shoulder; 14 hold
15 Right Slam; 16 hold
M9-16 32 counts
“Double Half Butterfly”
1-8 first loop of a butterfly to the left
9-12 spin behind on the left again, under arm, instead of coming in front like a butterfly, watch video for hand placement!
13-16 flag follows through sweeping toes to flag up, hands at cheaters
1-8 flourish in lunge, side angle, up on 4 and 8
9 flag comes down to cheaters; 10 hold
11 back present to left; 12 hold
13-16 flag spins in left on left side with head and foot work
M17-25 36 counts
1-4 helicopter into palm roll
5-8 to behind knee
9-12 to flat behind back open arms
13-14 spin flag to top in left hand
15 degage, releve, flag lift
16 back down to flat at waist
1-2 to right shoulder
3-4 to slam
5-8 bottom cone
9-10 to chest flat
11-12 switch flat holding silk
13-16 silk pull release to slam
1-4 carve left back to slam
M26-29 16 counts
Repeat M1-4 (end in present)
M30-37 32 counts
1-4 grapevine left
5-7 chaine left
8 right foot taps across ready to change direction
9-16 repeat to right, “hey” on 16 when left toe taps
1-16 repeat in SLAM, no “hey”
(This work is in the previous video link)
M38-47 40 counts
“Ode to Joy” in 4s
1-4 extend up to front 45 at bottom cheater
5-12 extended 1 handed oar on 45
13-16 to inward angle, grab back hand
17-20 stir to open in high V
21-24 follow through to low angle in front, body to left
25-28 turning left, switch angle to up to back
29-30 continue through flat
31-32 cut plane to left slam
1 Left Shoulder; 2 hold
3 down of a left drop spin; 4 hold
5 Right Shoulder; 6 hold
7 Right Slam; 8 hold
(This work to the end in last video link)
M48-56 36 counts (32+4)
1-32 Repeat M9-16
1-4 Cut plane to Right Slam
M57-end 40 counts (32+8)
1-32 Repeat M1-8
1-8 around low in forced arch back to right slam