WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. Classes shift to remote.
LMBC Meetings
Get Involved
If you are interested in running for a position, review the LMBC Constitution to learn more about the election process. Meeting minutes are also available so you can stay informed on what the LMBC has been discussing.
LMBC Meetings are open to any and all members of the Laker Marching Band to attend. LMB members are encouraged to attend and voice their opinion on issues that they would like to see addressed. Check out our meeting times and locations.
Dates / Times / Locations
Sunday, Jan. 22, 2023
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
2022 LMBC Elections
Nominations will begin Sunday Oct. 16, 2022 and go through Saturday Oct. 22, 2022. Nominations can be made by anonymous written documentation or by open vocal nomination or by self-nomination.
The specific voting day will be scheduled prior to nominations starting. The voting day must occur in the third week of the election process.
The new officers take over their respective positions at the beginning of the 2022 Winter Semester.