Outside Connections

Outside of Grand Valley, other institutions and organizations are doing fantastic work related to water!

Water Articles Repository

As part of their ongoing investigation into the global crisis on access to water, the Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism (CCIJ) is building an experimental search engine for journalists to research water-related news coverage. Combining automated crawling techniques and machine learning algorithms, they are harvesting news articles from online media publishers. Using the tool, journalists are able to quickly obtain country context, find sources, learn about infrastructure projects and other activities. Eventually, the tool will help identify trends across space and time through analysis of thousands are articles. The project is open source and a work in progress. CCIJ welcomes contributions.

Check Out the Website Here

Water Search Engine Screen Shot

USGS Current Water Data for Michigan

Michigan water levels and streamflow conditions have reached record highs recently and are projected to continue to increase as time goes on. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has provided several interactive graphics related changes in streamflow that update in real time for people to explore. By selecting specific locations, you can retrieve data on discharge and gage height over time, with day to day updates and comparisons to averages and records of the past several decades. 

Check out the real-time graphics on the USGS site

Columbia University Year of Water

Columbia is proud to announce the Year of Water: an interdisciplinary investigation of water. Throughout the next two semesters, the University will hold art exhibits, concerts, lectures, and symposia focused on the Earth's most precious resource in all of its social, political, cultural, economic, and environmental complexities.

Take a look at the work being done with the Year of Water

year of water

Page last modified September 9, 2020