First Year Required Advising

Why do I have a hold on my account?

All students in their first year at GVSU are required to meet with an Academic Advisor in their major to register for classes for the next academic year. During this meeting, you will discuss the following:

  • Transition to GVSU
  • Confidence in your major
  • Degree progress and myPath completion
  • Course planning for next year
  • University resources

How do I get the hold lifted?

The Kirkhof College of Nursing, Office of Student Services offers individual 1:1 advising appointments, and small group advising sessions for students to attend.

Sign up for a session in Navigate.

To sign up for a group session, click on the yellow banner at the top of your Navigate homepage. To sign up for an individual appointment, click the blue "schedule an appointment" button.


Registration timeline

New Student Required Advising

This hold will prevent you from registering for Spring/Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Winter 2025 classes at GVSU. To lift this hold, you must meet with an Academic Advisor in your major.

No. The new student advising hold will only impact your ability to register for Spring/Summer 2024, Fall 2024, and Winter 2025 courses.

It is possible to have more than one hold on your account. To learn more about each hold type, visit the Registrar's website and take the appropriate steps to get the hold lifted from your account.

To view any holds on your account take the following steps: Login to myBanner; Select "Student;" Select "Student Records;" Select "View Holds."

If you are thinking about changing your major, we would strongly recommend you meet with an advisor in the major you are planning on continuing your studies in. Every academic area has advisors that specialize in those majors, so you will want to have your academic hold lifted by an advisor who works and advises your new major.

Please check out the Advising Center's Website, which lists every major at GVSU and which College they are located in.

Helpful Links

Page last modified December 5, 2023