WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Classes shift to remote.
The Intercultural Communications Certificate is a 14-hour certificate housed within the School of Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS). Core courses ground students in cultural competency, written and spoken discourse, and experiential learning. Graduates of this program will demonstrate effective multi-modal persuasion and messaging that can be applied within a range of workplace, digital, and societal settings. Skills development is enhanced through interdisciplinary electives that situate global communication skills within particular job sectors and/or contexts.
Any GVSU student can earn an Intercultural Communications Certificate or Intercultural Competence Badge by completing the required courses listed below. These courses are offered in traditional, hybrid, and fully online formats.
Students can declare the Certificate or the Badge through Banner. We ask that all interested students complete this study plan so the Program Director can advise you on the required practicum.
The 8-hour digital badge can be earned anytime and is available to both degree- and non-degree seeking students, online, hybrid, accelerated, or through traditional seated classes.
Students who earn the ITC Badge will also have completed all core requirements for the Intercultural Communications Certificate
Requirements for the Certificate (14 Hours)
Requirements for Certificate
Students are required to select 1 course from each category below.
Media, Modes, and Methods (Choose 1)
- COM 378: Intercultural Communications
- DS/ENG 314: Digital Literacies
- INT 331: Person and Profession in a Global Environment
- REL 335: Sacred Texts, Global Contexts
Theory Into Practice (Choose 1)
Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today. - Hu Jintao (former president of China)
Our histories never unfold in isolation. We cannot truly tell what we consider to be our own histories without knowing others' stories. And often we discover that those other stories are actually our own stories. - Angela Y. Davis (philosopher and activist).
A society that ignores great stores of human knowledge and ability irresponsibly risks its future. - Joe R. Feagin (sociologist).