Intercultural Competence Badge
The Intercultural Competence Program (ITC) Digital Badge is available to both degree-seeking and non-degree-seeking students at all levels. With classes available in fully online, hybrid, accelerated, and/or face-to-face formats it is also open to busy professionals around the globe as well as those here at GVSU and in West Michigan. This includes special offerings of all ITC courses in accelerated, online formats via the LEADS Degree Completion Program.
What is a digital badge?
A digital badge, or simply "badge," is a credential that recognizes your completion of a coherent and meaningful academic experience. A badge allows you to promote academic achievements online more effectively and in different venues than would be possible with a transcript. For example, you could link your digital badge to your LinkedIn profile. This means that in as little as 4-6 months, you can have earned this credential, enhancing your professional dossier and making you more competitive to prospective employers. This is also an excellent way for individuals who have already earned their Bachelor's Degrees to update their credentials and strengthen their professional portfolios.
How do you do earn the ITC Badge?
To earn the ITC Badge, you are required to take a total of 3 courses (8 credits) as listed below. All are available in full online formats.
If you are currently admitted to GVSU, you can immediately pursue the Intercultural Competence Badge by registering for one or more of the following courses. All are required:
- ITC 100: Introduction to Intercultural Competence (3 credits)
- WRT 354: Writing in the Global Context: Culture, Technology, and Language Practice (3 credits)
- ITC 490: Practicum in Intercultural Competence (2+ credits required)
What if I am not a student at GVSU?
1. If you are a seeking the Intercultural Competence badge and are not currently a degree-seeking student, you will need to be admitted to GVSU first. The application for students wanting to pursue the badge separately from a degree can be found here.
2. Once you are admitted as a non-degree-seeking student, you can register for the courses listed above. If you encounter difficulty registering, please contact INT: The Integrative Studies Department
Do I have to take them all at once, or can I spread them out?
You do not need to take these courses all at once in order to earn the badge. You can take them at your convenience. All courses required for the ITC badge are delivered in online, hybrid, and/or face-to-face formats. courses are also offered year-around in both online and seated formats. If you would like assistance exploring ways to complete these requirements, please contact the INT Department.
How do I "get" my digital badge?
Anyone interested in pursing the Intercultural Competence Badge should complete the application on this website. You can do that prior to taking any of the required courses or at any point in your studies. When you have completed the badge requirements, you should email the INT Department. They will confirm your completion and award you the badge on Acclaim.
Acclaim is the badging platform that is used to store, display, share, and manage digital badges earned at GVSU. Once approved by the IRIS Department, you will receive an email from Acclaim and will be prompted to create an account. Once issued by the department, the badge will be publicly available on your profile. Acclaim displays not only the badge icon but provides additional metadata that describes the accomplishment and the criteria that the earner was required to meet. Acclaim is free to use and it makes it easy to share badges with individuals and post to personal websites or social media platforms such as LinkedIn.
For additional information, call or email IRIS: The Integrative, Religious, and Intercultural Studies Department at (616) 331-8020 or [email protected].