Support Groundswell
Groundswell is a coalition of community partners creating opportunities for hands-on environmental learning in West Michigan. We support educators who want to move beyond the classroom walls and teach students through their own communities. Groundswell students engage in real-world problem solving by identifying an environmental need in their community and working with partner organizations to solve that need.
Your tax-deductible gift supports our efforts to inspire students, expand classrooms, strengthen communities, and protect natural resources right here and right now. With a single donation, you can generate so much good.
Giving Is Easy.
BY CREDIT CARD: Use the button below and enter your information into the secure form.
BY CHECK: To maximize your donation (no credit card fees for us to pay), make check payable to the Groundswell, Center for Educational Partnerships through GVSU's Gift Reply Form. Fill out the form (button below) and mail to University Development.
University Development Grand Valley State University
LV Eberhard Center 9th Floor
301 Fulton St W
PO Box 2005
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2005