Summer Institute

What is Summer Institute?

Are you a teacher new to place-based education (PBE)? Maybe you have implemented PBE in your classroom and want to learn more?

The institute this year will lead you through the six elements of a PBE project so you can implement an awesome experience back at your school. Groundswell is offering this workshop to educators which includes expert facilitation, hands-on training, and provided meals each day for participants (a value of $400 per attendee). Summer institute is offered at no cost to the educator. 

Teachers sitting on a ledge by the grand river listening to a presenter


William L. Seidman Center, GVSU

50 Front Ave SW
Grand Rapids, MI

Teachers working in a greenhouse with plants

Why should you join us for this workshop?

  • A detailed walk-through of how to implement a PBE experience in your classroom.
  • Attendance provides you with information and eligibility for Groundswell project funds in the 2024-2025 academic year (up to $1,500 for your school). 
  • Make connections with fantastic West Michigan experts who can offer classroom support and guidance with your school project.


image of teachers learning, up to 21 SCECH credits


July 30, July 31, August 1 2024


8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Participants are expected to commit to all three days of the institute. 

Questions about this annual event? Contact our staff at [email protected]


Registration for the 2024 Summer Institute is now open! Registration closes at 5pm EST July 12th, 2024.

Register here!

Spread the Word

Invite other Kent and Ottawa County teachers and educators.

Print or email the flyer below to send it out to your network.

Download the PDF flyer here!

Flyer with general information for summer institute

Summer Institute Agenda

Curious about the details of each day? We understand! We created an agenda that showcases all the amazing opportunities you'll experience if you register for Summer Institute.

Review the Summer Institute agenda here!

Summer Institute FAQs

Q: What should I bring to this workshop series each day?

A: Each day our institute will include both indoor and outdoor learning. Be sure to prepare for the weather. We will be outside a bit and walking around away from our place, so we recommended bringing:

  • Hat / Sunscreen / bug spray
  • Close-toed, comfortable walking shoes
  • A device (laptop or tablet) and charger
  • Refillable water bottle


Q: Do I have to attend all three days?

A: Yes.


Q: Will copies of the resources be available to participants?

A: Yes. Any physical or digital resources we provide during the workshop will be available after. We will share these resources with participants via email and/or Google Drive. 

Page last modified July 1, 2024