Department Overview

The Grounds Department at GVSU is responsible for maintaining approximately 500 acres of groomed grounds and parking lots. Some of the more specific tasks performed by the grounds department include:

  • turfgrass maintenance
  • landscape installation and maintenance
  • maintenance of all paved areas including sidewalks, brick patios, roadways, and parking lots
  • snow removal for all roads, walkways, and parking lots
  • maintenance of all campus signage (exterior)
  • overseeing work performed by landscape contractors
  • design and install new garden spaces
  • recommend changes to beautify and enhance the campus grounds
  • work with the golf course maintenance staff to maintain the clubhouse grounds at the Meadows Golf Course
  • installation and maintenance of the campus site furniture
  • litter pick up
  • Taking care of the landscape trees on an individual basis.
  • Maintains the campus Arboretum
  • Installation and maintenance of all campus trees
  • Over 4,800 trees are cared for on all our campuses.
  • The Allendale Campus has a 7 acre arboretum; it holds 700 trees with 200 different species/varieties growing.
  • Care of Shakespeare Garden, Memorial Garden, 13 Rain Gardens, Japanese Garden, vacant land care, campus GIS/GPS, and special projects.

Grounds Services

Facilities Customer Service is the primary point of contact for Grounds Services. If you have a question or concern regarding Grounds Services, please reach out to us via one of the methods listed below.

Email: [email protected]

Call 24/7: 616-331-3000

Mailing address:
GVSU Customer Service
11106 Service Drive
Service Building
Allendale MI 49401


Director of Facilities Services
[email protected]

Edward graduated from Michigan State University in Agronomy, with further education in Technical Illustration and Industrial Design. Edward began his career at GVSU at the Meadows Golf Club as Assistant Golf Course Superintendent. Following several years and a career change, returned to GVSU Facilities Services as Assistant Grounds Supervisor in 2007.  Ed has been married to his wife Emily since 1993 and have two adult children, Adam and Katherine, who are also Lakers.  West Michigan has provided so much to our lives and we are very thankful to be part of the GVSU family.



Manager of Facilities Services
Landscape Operations
[email protected]

Steve has a B.S in Natural Science from Michigan State University focusing on forestry.  Born and raised in Montague, Michigan on a 50 acre asparagus farm.  Lived in Michigan most of my life working as an independent contractor for  spongy moth suppression, then onto Oceana/Newaygo County Conservation District as a district forester for 5 years, before this position.  Hobbies include hiking, diving, woodworking, and camping.


Charity Anderson
John Andrews
Sean Bain
Ryan Cochran
Danielle Lutz
Ian Ouellette
Alan Scott
Aaron Torres
Brian VanFarowe

Page last modified January 22, 2025