Plant Services Personnel Descendants Scholarship

PSP Scholarship Application

Plant Services Personnel Endowed Scholarship was established in 1993 and supported by current and retired employees of Grand Valley State University Plant services. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to qualified relatives of P.S.P., who are Maintenance/Grounds/Service (MGS) and Police Staff employees and retirees. This scholarship is available to pre and post graduates of GVSU.


  • Must meet GPA and ACT standards set for admission by GVSU
  • Must be enrolled full (12 credits) or part-time (6 credits) in good academic standing.
  • Be a biological, adopted or stepchild of an employee with one and one half years or more of seniority in a permanent position currently working for GVSU in MGS or Police Staff
  • Be nominated by a single employee or a couple without children with one and a half or more years of seniority in MGS or Police Staff. A single individual, or a couple without children, may nominate cousins, siblings, nephews, or nieces, one time in any five year period. A letter from both the nominee and employee will be required with the application or renewal application detailing the duration and closeness of the relationship.
  • Be a grandchild of an employee or retiree with five or more years of seniority with MGS or Police Staff.
  • Be a child/grandchild or a voluntarily terminated or a laid-off employee with at least one and one half years or more of seniority for children to qualify and five years or more of seniority for grandchildren.
  • Be a child/grandchild of a deceased employee with at least one and one half years or more of seniority for children and five years or more of seniority for grandchildren to be eligible.
  • Show financial need and or other available financial aid

Application Details/Helpful Hints:

  • The annual deadline for applications is March 1st.
  • You may apply as soon as you receive your G# and acceptance to Grand Valley 
  • Students are required to complete the application not the parents/employees
  • The system will ask for an attached resume - this is simply a summary of your educational background, hobbies, volunteering etc. (to match you with other possible scholarship opportunities)

Renewal Criteria:

  • Recipients must reapply every year to be eligible for scholarship

What if I am going to Community College prior to GVSU:

  • Please complete the Letter of Intent - if you will be attending a Community College prior to Grand Valley.

To donate to the PSP Scholarship: 



  • Print the donation form and send to University Development
  • Mail a check to Dave Edwards - written out to GVSU - PSP Scholarship. Mailing address: 1126 SER, 1 Campus Drive, Allendale, MI 49401


Page last modified January 9, 2025