Department Overview
The staff in the custodial and operations department provides many services to the campus community, throughout nearly 100 buildings and 4.2 million square feet of space. Including daily cleaning service, event setup and teardowns, special projects, mail and package delivery, furniture moving, trash and recycle pickup, etc. We take pride in providing the highest level of customer service and response to ensure a safe, clean, and welcoming environment for all our students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
Custodial and Operations Services
Facilities Customer Service is the primary point of contact for Custodial and Operations Services. If you have a question or concern regarding Facilities or Residential custodial issues, please reach out to us via one of the methods listed below.
Email: [email protected]
Call 24/7: 616-331-3000
Mailing address:
GVSU Customer Service
11106 Service Drive
Service Building
Allendale MI 49401

Director of Facilities Services
Custodial and Operations
[email protected]
I began my career in Facilities Services at GVSU in 2009, graduated from Aquinas College with a degree in Business Administration. I’ve been married since 2005 to my wife Julie and we have three kids Jack, Anna and Henry (who are twins). We enjoy spending time together with family and friends enjoying all that west Michigan has to offer, especially if it is on a boat!
Art Gallery Support Building (AGS)
Alumni House and Visitor Center (AH)
Blue Connection (CON)
Campus Health Center (UHC)
Children’s Enrichment Center (CC)
Grand Valley Apartments (GVA)
Murray Living Center (MUR)
Niemeyer Learning and Living Center (NMH)
Niemeyer East Living Center (NME)
Niemeyer West Living Center (NMW)
South C (SAC)
South D (SAD)
South E (SAE)
VanSteeland Living Center (VLC)

Manager of Facilities Services
[email protected]
Dan holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from Grand Valley State University, CEFP certification from APPA. As an employee and alum is a Laker for a lifetime, In his free time, he enjoys hiking, the outdoors and attending his sons’ collegiate track and cross country meets.
Calder Residence (CR)
Commons (COM)
Cook Carillon Tower (CCT)
Copeland Living Center (COP)
DeVos Living Center (DLC)
Frey Living Center (FLC)
Hills Living Center (HLL)
Holton Hooker Living Center (HHLC)
Hoobler Living Center (HLC)
Johnson Living Center (JLC)
Kirkhof Center (KC)
Kirkpatrick Living Center (KRP)
Kistler Living Center (KIS)
Kleiner Commons (KLC)
Laker Village Apartments (LVA)
Maple Living Center (MPLC)
North C Living Center (NLC)
Oak Living Center (OKLC)
Ott Living Center (OLC)
Pew Living Center (PLC)
Pickard Living Center (PKC)
Pine Living Center (PNLC)
Robinson Living Center (ROB)
Seidman Living Center (SLC)
South Utilities Building (SUB)
Stafford Living Center (STA)
Swanson Living Center (SWN)
Weed Living Center

Michelle Lintjer
Manager of Facilities Services
[email protected]
I started my journey in facilities services in 2000 as a temporary employee and was hired full-time in January 2001. Over the years, I worked hard to grow and was promoted to Crew Leader in 2019. In 2024, I stepped into my current role as Manager of Facilities Services.
I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Integrative Studies at Grand Valley State University, which I plan to complete in 2026. Along the way, I’m also earning certificates in Leadership, Data Analytics, Project Management, Business Fundamentals, and Intercultural Communication. These opportunities have allowed me to grow both personally and professionally.
Outside of work, I enjoy camping, boating, bowling, spending time with my family, and cheering on Michigan football—a passion I share with my dad. My family includes my two daughters, Alexis and Brittany, and my two dogs, Milo and Maizey, who always keep life exciting.
Au Sable Hall (ASH)
Calder Art Center (CAC)
Central Utilities Building (CUB)
Cook-DeWitt Center (CDC)
Fieldhouse (FH)
Haas Center for Performing Arts (PAC)
Henry Hall (HRY)
Hosford Football Center (FC)
Kelly Family Sports Center (KTB)
Kindschi Hall of Science (KHS)
Lake Huron Hall (LHH)
Lake Michigan Hall (LMH)
Lake Ontario Hall (LOH)
Lake Superior Hall (LSH)
Laker Marketplace (LMP)
Loutit Lecture Hall (LTT)
Lubbers Stadium
Lubbers Student Services Center (STU)
Mackinac Hall (MAK)
Manitou Hall (MAN)
Mary Idema Pew Library (LIB)
Meadows Clubhouse (MCH)
Meadows Learning Center (MLC)
Meadows Maintenance Building (MMB)
Odie Weight Room (MPF)
Padnos Hall (PAD)Ravine Center (RAC)
Recreation Center (RC)
Seidman House (SH)
Service Building (SER)
Track Support Facility-South Complex (TSF)
Zumberge Hall (JHZ)

Manager of Facilities Services
[email protected]
Rebecca Ramos graduated from GVSU in 2014 with a Bachelors of Arts in Communication Studies. She completed a Master’s in Business Administration through the Seidman College of Business in 2022. Previously, Rebecca worked in the Procurement Services Department and managed the GVSU Surplus Store. She joined the Facilities Services department in 2020. Rebecca enjoys crafting and spending time with her boyfriend Danny, and their two dogs Bandit and Echo.
Faculty / Staff Mail Services
Central Utilities Building (CUB)
Kirkoff Center (KC)
Mary Idema Pew Library (LIB)
Seidman House (SH)
Service Building (SER)
Kevin Alderink
Scott Ambutavicz
Jared Bachmeier
Dan Barrigear
Isaiah Bartman
Anderson Batts
Robert Bentley
Carl Berg
Christine Bos
Mack Boyer
Brian Brewer
Lucas Bricker
Maddyson Brown
Mark Brown
Ian Camling
Audrey Collie
Dylan Cook
Scott Cook
Glenn Coryell
Nathan Cosart
Maurice Costello
Sheri Dannah
Tyson Dannah
Jade Davis
Aaron Dekievit
Patty Derusha
Amy Fletcher
Brian Haisma
Scott Hale
Jacob Herrygers
Sen Hines
Elizabeth Humphrey
Mary James
Daren Jenison
Paul Kelbel
Charles Kile
Luann Klinkers
Gabriella Klooster
Stacy Kok
John Kommer
John Lachmann
Christopher Lefere
David LeMieux
Diane Lipski
Jeff Lynema
Matthew Mancilla-McCue
Adrian Martinez
Randall McMurray
Ely Miller
Mason Moerdyk
Ceasar Montes
Casey Moomey
Penny Myers
Terry Norris
Brian Oesch
Kelly O'Mara
Jason Orrell
Ariel Patel
James Penive
William Rankin
Amanda Robinson
Teri Roelofs
Geia Rosema
Chelsea Russell
Austin Rycenga
Sam Rzycki
Thomas Rzycki
Evelyn Schlukebir
Tim Seaver
Jeff Short
Jordan Shultz
Leonard Smedley
Mark Sokolowski
Dan Spangler
Sara Sullivan
Kaleb Swain
Brock Tagg
James Todd
Michael Veldheer
Johnathan Verstrate
Craig Vredeveld
Yendy Waller
William Willey
Alec Williams
David Williams
Emily Zhao
Operations Staff
Jessica Rodriguez
Jeff Rosema
Angelina Serna
David Sims
Jeff DeWitt
Dave Edwards
Mark Minnema
Marc Westrate
Sam Bravo
Luke Meredith