Education Initiatives

The GVSU College of Education & Community Innovation is excited to partner with Battle Creek Public Schools and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to positively impact education in the region.

GVSU Southwest Michigan Regional Center 
Valuable Website for BCPS Students!

  • College and career exploration
  • College admission application and essay support
  • College advising
  • Support with FAFSA completion
  • Scholarship application and essay support
  • Programming for Bachelor's of Science degrees and certificates


BCPS Early Career Teacher Mentoring Success!

BCPS Early Career Teacher Mentoring Success!

The Early Career Teacher PLC and Mentoring programs are proving to be valuable in retaining teachers in Battle Creek Public Schools.

May 23, 2024

First Pipeline Scholar Graduates Celebrated

First Pipeline Scholar Graduates Celebrated

The first cohort of Pipeline Scholars from Battle Creek Public Schools are graduating from GVSU this month!

Apr 22, 2024

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Page last modified September 24, 2024