CSCE Internal Funding
Funding Summary
CSCE Internal Grants Recipients
Join us in our Office Hours for Writing a Successful Catalyst/Collaborative/Affiliate Fac Support Grant Proposal
2024 - 2025 Round 3 Office Hours:
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Allendale Campus 049 JHZ (CSCE Conference Room)
Thursday, March 13, 2025
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Pew Grand Rapids Campus 297C DEV (Berkowitz Room)
Catalyst Grant for Research and Creativity
This grant encourages faculty in establishing and maintaining programs of research, scholarly, and/or creative activity. Projects should display potential for having a significant impact on one’s field or chart a new trajectory in one’s scholarly, creative or artistic development.
Collaborative Research and Creative Activity Initiative
This initiative is designed to foster new collaborative research and creative activities between faculty members from different disciplines.
Affiliate Faculty Support Fund
The Affiliate Faculty Support Fund is designed to support affiliate faculty engaged in programs of research, scholarly, and/or creative activity. Projects should display potential for having a significant impact on one’s field or chart a new trajectory in one’s scholarly, creative or artistic development.
Pre-tenure Supplement for Research and Creativity
The Pre-tenure Supplement for Research and Creativity is an additional funding option of CSCE’s Catalyst Grant. This grant enhances scholarly and/or creative productivity by providing junior faculty members with financial support to launch their creative agendas at the university.
Faculty Course Reassignment for Research and Creative Expression
The Faculty Course Reassignment is an additional funding option of CSCE’s Catalyst Grant.
This reassignment provides unencumbered time to help fulfill the demands of unusually time-intensive projects.
Mini Grant Program
This program supports research and creative activity with a modest subsidy at critical times. This is accomplished through defraying the cost of travel, supplies, and other materials necessary to conduct the project. Funds may also be used for page charges, color illustrations, and other costs associated with publishing.
Dissemination Grant (In-Person or Virtual Conference Support)
Dissemination Grants are designed to defray the cost of attending conferences. The use of funds requires the dissemination of the applicant's original research or creative effort. The presentations must be at a recognized organized conference or professional exposition unless you are a session chair or officer of a national committee.
*Please check the GVSU Travel and Expense Management website for current guidelines or restrictions before you book.
Book Publication Subvention Fund
This fund supports the costs of scholarly publication. These subventions guarantee that scholarly works of significance by GVSU faculty can be published even if the prospective audience is limited.
Open Access Publishing Support
This support aids the ability of researchers to publish in established open access peer-reviewed journals and peer-reviewed journals that have an open access option.
Laker Extramural Proposal Development
The Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence is pleased to announce a new grant opportunity for Grand Valley faculty. The Laker Extramural Proposal Development Support will provide small grants of up to $2,000 to help faculty make their external grant proposals and applications more competitive and fundable. It is expected that faculty who receive LEPDS funding will apply for an external grant or fellowship from a major funding agency within one year of receiving their grant.
GVSU’s Laker Match Fund
The GVSU’s Laker Match Fund (LMF) is an account of limited funding managed in the Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence – Research Administration. The LMF’s purpose is to assist in the provision of matching funds when required as a condition of eligibility to apply for funding for externally-sponsored projects.
Laker Innovation Commercialization Fund
The Laker Innovation Commercialization Fund (LICF) is established to enhance opportunity to commercialize innovations discovered at Grand Valley State University. The program is intended to provide financial support that cannot typically be obtained from other traditional sources of funding.
Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (OURS)
OURS provides a number of programs and services to both students and faculty. Check out the Academic and Professional Enrichment Fund (APEF), Undergraduate Research Assistant Program, and more!
Faculty Fellowships
Talk with the Frederik Meijer Office of Fellowships about Fulbright opportunities, and more!
LGBT Faculty/Staff Association Grant Opportunity
Administered by the LGBT FSA, this grant program promotes LGBT related scholarship that fosters an inclusive community for LGBT faculty and staff at GVSU. All faculty and staff are eligible to apply.
All items acquired using University funds, including Faculty Professional Development, internal grant support, or department funds, are generally considered property of the University. These items are subject to the disposal policy procedures found on the Purchasing website:
Disposal and Surplus Help and Equipment Acquisition and Disposal Policy