Mathematics Test Details


Multiple-choice questions. A set of of mathematical definitions and formulas is provided, along with a four-function calculator that may help you perform calculations on the test.

Prep Class

Offered by the Math Department (MTH 380-Math Prob Solving/Stand Assess; fall only). This is a one credit prep course focused on the mathematics portion of the PRE. Contact professor John Golden with questions.

Test Prep and Tutoring Help

Math Practice Test Utilize the practice tests for MTH 110, 122 and 123 at GVSU for sample problems. 

Math CenterStats Center free tutoring. No appointment needed.

Video Tutorials provided by GVSU Math Department.

Free online remedial courses Pre-college level math support. Click on courses available on the left. You must create a log-in to enroll. online math problem solving help.

Information, resources, and prep presentations provided by mathematics professor John Golden.

Page last modified December 15, 2016