Heading: Get Involved
Kirkhof Center
Subheading: Campus Resources

Social Justice Education, sponsored by the Division of Inclusion & Equity Social Justice Centers. The social justice centers are committed to creating inclusive spaces for dialogue and discussion. Each center hosts a regular series open to the community. Students, faculty, and staff can expect open, honest discussions about culture, identity, and current events.

A variety of dialogue-driven events are hosted by the Office of Student Life. Of particular interest might be the Community Service Learning Center, which sponsors a number of events and resources for how dialogue helps to create stronger communities. The CSLC prepares students to become active, global citizens who are committed to a life of community engagement and democratic participation.

Check in with the Hauenstein Center’s Common Ground Initiative which prepares a new generation of leaders to work constructively with people from diverse cultures and different worldviews. The initiative brings politically conservative and progressive people together for balanced, fair-minded discussion.

The Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse, Kaufman Interfaith Institute, Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies, and WGVU Public Media are pleased to partner for Talking Together: Strengthening our Communities through Conversation, a year-long initiative aimed at interrupting polarization and investing in the principles of civil discourse and respectful dialogue. Each month will feature at least one structured activity for students, staff, faculty, and community members to engage in conversation with one another across differences in perspective, identity, and life experiences. Learn more and view the event schedule.

Community Events

Make Shift Coffee House Virtual Events

A Make Shift Coffee House is a free online place where people with different views talk to each other with respect. Each one lasts an hour. A small group of people with different views have a facilitated discussion while others watch. Visit the Makeshift Coffee House online event page, where you can learn more about getting involved in a virtual Make Shift Coffee House event as a participant or a viewer. Learn more about Make Shift Coffee House at https://makeshiftcoffeehouse.com/.

Make Shift Coffee House
Our Community listens

Our Community Listens

This organization offers transformational learning experiences to empower individuals, strengthen relationships, and create a more compassionate world. See the Our Community Listens website for more information and to find local events for their Michigan Chapter.

Braver Angels | Michigan Chapter

Braver Angels is a New York-based 501 nonprofit dedicated to political depolarization. The organization runs workshops, debates, and other events where "red" and "blue" participants attempt to better understand one another's positions and discover their shared values. Click here to learn about their goals for 2021 and 2022.

Contact the Center for Civil Discourse ([email protected]) for more information about the Michigan Chapter.

the text "Hold America Together" with the Braver Angels logo.


Gen Z Voices: If We Were President

November 21, 2024 6:00 PM

Multifaith Mixer

September 12, 2024 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Constitution Day

September 17, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Unnatural Causes

September 26, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

What Is Interfaith? Student Workshop

September 30, 2024 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

View More Events

Page last modified January 24, 2023