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2022-2023 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Badge in Advanced American Sign Language

This badge represents advanced capability in conversational ASL and understanding of deaf culture. Successful learners will be able to have extended low-stakes exchanges with deaf consumers in workplaces, e.g., ongoing rehab and therapy activities, check-in/-out procedures, and daily interactions with hospital in-patients; they will also be able to explain key features of deaf culture. This badge is not an ASL interpreting credential. MI-LARA administers interpreting credentials in Michigan.

Learning objectives and competencies should be measurable and use action verbs. Students who complete the requirements for this badge will be able to

  • sign approximately 2,000 signs;
  • engage in extended conversations using correct ASL grammar and language features;
  • express cohesive narratives in ASL that incorporate suitable vocabulary choices and grammatical structures;
  • analyze unique features of deaf culture;
  • identify examples of autism; and
  • explain connections between cultural influences and identity formation


If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.