Facility & Equipment
The Biomechanics and Motor Performance Laboratory is located in CHS 215, Cook DeVos Center for Health Sciences of the GVSU Grand Rapids DeVos Campus.

The lab is equipped with:
- Sixteen Vicon MX-T40 cameras and Nexus motion capture software
- Five AMTI Optima digital force platforms and adjustable mounting rail system
- Portable AMTI force platform and ramp to evaluate static balance and gait
- AMTI Force-Sensing Tandem Treadmill
- The Motion Labs Systems MA-300 16-channel EMG system
- Biodex Medical Multi-Joint System, with trunk flexion/extension and lift-task capabilities
- NeuroCom SMART EquiTest and clinical research systems products
- Standard biplanar videography synchronized with three-dimensional motion capture
- BTS Bioengineering G-Sensor 2 wireless accelerometer (gait temporo-spatial parameters) and G-Studio analysis software
- Xsens MVN-AWINDA (full body wireless Mocap system) and MVN-AL-L-D analysis software
We use the following software for data analysis, modeling, and simulation:
- Nexus motion capture software
- C-Motion Visual3D
- OpenSim