School of Engineering

Yunju Lee, PhD
Assistant Professor
Director, Biomechanics and Motor Performance Laboratory
School of Engineering & Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training
Office Address:
260 CHS, Cook-DeVos Center for Health & Science
345 KEN, Kennedy Hall of Engineering
Email: [email protected]
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, 2002
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), 2004
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2014
Research Interests
Mechanism of Human movement
Biomechanics including Mobility Impairments and Falls
Robotic Rehabilitation and Balance Control for Neurological-Impaired Patients
Representative Publications
Lee, Y, Lama, B, Joo, SH, & Kwon, J. (2024). Enhancing Human Key Point Identification: A Comparative Study of the High-Resolution VICON Dataset and COCO Dataset Using BPNET. Applied Sciences, 14(11),
Alammari, B. J., Lee, Y., & Aruin, A.S. (2023). The effect of a contralateral foot touch on stability of one-leg stance in young adults: an exploratory study. Somatosensory & motor research, 1-10,
Lee, Y., Gaebler-Spira, D., & Zhang, L.-Q. (2023). Robotic Ankle Training Improves Sensorimotor Functions in Children with Cerebral Palsy—A Pilot Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(4), Article 4.
Kwon, J., Lee, Y., & Lee, J. (2021). Comparative Study of Markerless Vision-Based Gait Analyses for Person Re-Identification. Sensors, 21(24), 8208,
Lee, Y., Badr, R., Bove, B., Jewett, P., & Goehring, M. (2021). Effects of assistive devices on postural control following a balance disturbance along the anterior-posterior direction. Gait & Posture, 90, 239–244.
Lee, Y., Curuk, E., & Aruin, A.S. (2020). Effect of Light Finger Touch, a Cognitive Task, and Vision on Standing Balance in Stroke. Journal of Motor Behavior, 1–9.
Curuk, E., Lee, Y., & Aruin, A.S. (2020). Individuals with stroke improve anticipatory postural adjustments after a single session of targeted exercises. Human Movement Science, 69, 102559.
Lee, Y., Goyal, N., Luna, G., & Aruin, A.S. (2020). Role of a single session of ball throwing exercise on postural control in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 120(2), 443–451.
Goyal, N., Lee, Y., Luna, G., & Aruin, A.S. (2019). Individual and combined effects of a cognitive task, light finger touch, and vision on standing balance in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research.
Curuk, E., Lee, Y., & Aruin, A.S. (2019). Individuals with stroke use asymmetrical anticipatory postural adjustments when counteracting external perturbations. Motor Control, 1–11.
Curuk, E., Lee, Y., & Aruin, A.S. (2018). The Effect of a Textured Insole on Symmetry of Turning. Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 6134529.
Lee Y, Goyal N, Aruin AS. Effect of a Cognitive Task and Light Finger Touch on Standing Balance in Healthy Adults. Experimental Brain Research. 236(2), 399-407, 2018. PubMed PMID: 29164286.
Aruin AS, Ganesan M, Lee Y. Improvement of postural control in individuals with multiple sclerosis after a single-session of ball throwing exercise. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 2017 Oct;17:224-229. PubMed PMID: 29055463.
Lee Y, Chen K, Ren Y, Son J, Cohen BA, et al. Robot-guided ankle sensorimotor rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. 2017 Jan;11:65-70. PubMed PMID: 28104260.
Lee Y, Ashton-Miller JA. Effects of Age, Gender and Level of Co-contraction on Elbow and Shoulder Rotational Stiffness and Damping in the Impulsively End-Loaded Upper Extremity. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2015 May;43(5):1112-22. PubMed PMID: 25395216.
Lee Y, Ashton-Miller JA. Age and gender effects on the proximal propagation of an impulsive force along the adult human upper extremity. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2014 Jan;42(1):25-35. PubMed PMID: 23979475.

Blake M. Ashby, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor, School of Engineering
Office Address: 325 KEN, Kennedy Hall of Engineering
Email: [email protected]
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Utah State University, 1998
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 2000
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 2004
Research Interests
Biomechanics of human movement
Kinematics and dynamics of whole body motion
Modeling and simulation of biomechanical systems
G.J. Alderink and B.M. Ashby, Clinical Kinesiology and Biomechanics - A Problem-Based Learning Approach, Springer, 2023.
Representative Publications
K. Joshi and B.M. Ashby, “Methods of Estimating Foot Power and Work in Standing Vertical Jump,” Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Vol. 38, pp. 293–300, 2022.
B.M. Ashby, “Theoretical Justification for Distal Foot Power Equation,” Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 109, 109964, 2020.
B.M. Ashby, A.A. Sohel, and G.J. Alderink, “Effect of Arm Motion on Standing Lateral Jumps,” Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 96, 109339, 2019.
J. Beasley, L. Kenyon, A. Midena, J. Chartier, K. Meyers, B. Ashby, K. Anderson, “Cane Handle Designs – Pressure and Preference: A Pilot Study,” Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, Vol. 8, pp. 58-64, 2017.
B.M. Ashby and W.S. Reffeor, “Using Stress Shielding in Hip Implants as a Case Study to Teach Loading of Composite Beams,” 123rd ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.
L.J. Hickox, B.M. Ashby, and G.J. Alderink, “Exploration of the Validity of the Two-Dimensional Sagittal Plane Assumption in Modeling the Standing Long Jump,” Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 49, pp. 1085–1093, 2016.
J. Pocratsky, B. Ashby, and J. Beasley, “Upper Extremity Kinematics in Sonographers during Kidney Scanning,” Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Vol. 30, pp. 67–76, 2014.
L. Vetter, J. Beasley, B. Ashby, H. Bullock, C. Conroy, and J. Pocratsky, “Variation of Pinch and Grip Force Between Different Size Transducers: A Preliminary Study,” Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Vol. 29, pp. 245–252, 2013.
The above articles are from peer reviewed journals. Below are peer reviewed conference abstracts.
B.M. Ashby, “Internal Segment Work and Power in the Standing Long Jump,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 23–26, 2024.
K. Joshi and B.M. Ashby, “Methods of Estimating Foot Power in Takeoff Phase of Standing Vertical Jump,” Virtual 44th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, August 4–7, 2020.
B.M. Ashby and G.J. Alderink, “Internal Foot Power in the Standing Long Jump: Comparison of Distal Foot Power and Foot Power Imbalance,” XXVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Calgary, Canada, July 31–August 4, 2019.
B.M. Ashby and G.J. Alderink, “Comparison of 3DOF and 6DOF Work and Power for Standing Long Jump,” 42nd Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Rochester, MN, August 8–11, 2018.
B.M. Ashby, A.A. Sohel, and G.J. Alderink, “Effect of Arm Motion on Standing Lateral Jump Performance,” 42nd Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Rochester, MN, August 8–11, 2018.
L.J. Hickox, B.M. Ashby, and G.J. Alderink, “Effect of Kinematic Symmetry on Standing Long Jump Performance,” 40th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Raleigh, NC, August 2–5, 2016.
L.J. Hickox, B.M. Ashby, and G.J. Alderink, “Analyzing Joint Work Symmetry in the Standing Long Jump with a 3D Full-Body Model,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, October 7–10, 2015.
B.M. Ashby, N. Vlietstra, L.J. Hickox, and G.J. Alderink, “Methods for Full Body Inverse Dynamics Analysis of Standing Long Jump,” 39th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Columbus, OH, August 5–8, 2015.
L.J. Hickox, B.M. Ashby, and G.J. Alderink, “Validity of the Two-Dimensional Sagittal Plane Assumption in Modeling the Standing Long Jump,” 39th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Columbus, OH, August 5–8, 2015.
K. Nottelmann, F. Woods, M. Pittsley, J. Beasley, B. Ashby, and K. Anderson, “How Can Joint Protection Apply to Grocery Shopping? An Evaluation to Determine the Optimal Handle Diameter of Shopping Carts,” American Society of Hand Therapists 37th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, September 18–20, 2014.
B.M. Ashby, J.M. Bjorum, and M. Gates, “Quantifying Gait and Balance Pathologies of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Patients using the Gait Deviation Index and Limits of Stability Test,” World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, July 6–11, 2014.
H. Bullock, L. Vetter, B. Ashby, C. Conroy, J. Pocratsky, and J. Beasley, “Variation of Pinch and Grip Force Between Different Size Transducers and the Related Perception of Pain Experienced by Sonographers,” American Society of Hand Therapists 36th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 24–27, 2013.
L.K. Kenyon, S. Brooks, K. Rustem, A. Semelbauer, B. Baker, and B. Ashby, “The Impact of a Visual Target on Children’s Limits of Stability in Sitting: A Pilot Study,” American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 21–24, 2013.
J.E. Edwards and B.M. Ashby, “Upper Extremity Kinematics in Sonographers during Kidney Scanning,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 24–27, 2012.
A. Filush and B.M. Ashby, “Effect of Using Hand Weights on Performance in the Standing Long Jump,” Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 24–27, 2012.
B. Baker, N. Durga, N. Ryan, J. Shaughnessy, L. Kenyon, and B. Ashby, “The Effect of Visual Feedback on the Assessment of Limits of Stability in Sitting Using the Neurocom Balance Master System,” Michigan Physical Therapy Association Fall Conference, Mackinaw Island, MI, September 21–22, 2012.

John P. Farris, PhD
Professor, School of Engineering
Office Address: 223 KEN
Email: [email protected]
B.S.E. Mechanical Engineering, Leigh University, 1987
M.S.E. Mechanical Engineering, Leigh University, 1988
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, 1993
Research Interests
Pediatric power mobility
Pediatric seating and mobility
Adaptive equipment
Current Projects
Power mobility training and use for children with multiple, severe disabilities
Engineering specifications of power mobility devices
Adaptive equipment
Representative Publications
Kenyon LK, Farris JF, Gallagher C, Webster L, Hammond L, Aldrich A. Power mobility training for young children with multiple, severe impairments: a case series. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr. DOI: 10.3109/01942638.2015.1108380. Article available at:
Kenyon LK, Farris JP, Gallagher CA, Hammond L, Webster LM, Aldrich NJ. Power mobility training for young children with multiple, severe impairments: a case series. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2015;27(4):E9.
Kenyon LK, Farris JF, Brockway K, Hannum N, Proctor K. Promoting self-exploration and function through an individualized power mobility training program: a case report. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2015;27(2):200-206.
Kenyon LK, Farris JP. Engineering hope: enhancing quality of life through design education. Proceedings from the 2015 American Society of Engineering Educators Annual Conference & Exposition. Paper ID #11546.
Kenyon LK, Farris J, Cain B, King EL, VandenBerg A. Development of a tool to aid clinicians in creating power mobility interventions. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2015;27(1):E33-E34.
Kenyon LK, Ripmaster C, Farris J, Hannum N, Proctor K, Roberts K, Briggs L, Cain B, King E, VandenBerg A, Peck J. Em-powering children for movement exploration and success: a case series. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2014;26(1):129.
Kenyon LK, Farris JP, Hoque MH, Radhakrishnan V Schutte K, Sunny N, Proctor K, Ripmaster C. Enhancing mobility and exploration in young children with motor delays. Pediatr Phys Ther. 2013;25(4):480.
Rustem K, Ripmaster C, Peck J, Farris J, Kenyon LK: Moving with Power.

Professor, School of Engineering
Office Address: 253 KEN
Email: [email protected]
B.E. Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Pune University, INDIA, 1994
M.S.E. Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, 1997
Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, 2003
Research Interests
Biomedical Signal Processing
Mathematical Modeling
Image Processing
Current Projects
Modeling intracortical EEG signals during epileptic seizures
Studying mechanisms of neural drivers for postural stability from EMG signals
Mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmogenesis from ECG signals
Representative Publications
Rhodes SS, Ropella KM, Audi S, Camara AKS, Kevin L, Stowe DF. Cross-bridge kinetics modeled from myoplasmic [Ca2+] and LV Pressure at 17oC, and after 37oC and 17oC ischemia. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol: 2003 284: H219-H229.
Rhodes SS, Ropella KM, Camara AKS, Chen Q, Riess ML, Stowe DF. How inotropic drugs alter dynamic and static indices of cyclic myoplasmic [Ca2+] to contractility relationship in intact hearts. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol: 2003 42(4): 539-553.
Rhodes SS, Ropella KM, Camara AKS, Chen Q, Riess ML, Pagel PS, Stowe DF. Ischemia reperfusion injury changes the dynamics of Ca2+-contraction coupling due to inotropic drugs in isolated hearts. J App Physiol: 2006 100:940-950 [Nov 10, 2005: Epub ahead of publication].
Rhodes SS, Camara AKS, Ropella KM, Audi SH, Riess ML, Pagel PS, Stowe DF. Ischemia reperfusion injury changes model-estimated kinetics of myofilament interaction due to inotropic drugs in isolated hearts. Biomed Engineering Online: 2006 5:17 (3 March 2006).
Rhodes SS, Camara AKS, Heisner JS, Riess ML, Aldakkak M, Stowe DF. Reduced mitochondrial Ca2+ loading and Improved Functional Recovery after ischemia reperfusion injury in old vs. young guinea pig hearts. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. February 2012 302:(3) H855-H863. Epub 2011 Dec 2.
S. S. Rhodes, A. K. S. Camara, M. Aldakkak, J. S. Heisner, D. F. Stowe. Stretch-induced increase in cardiac contractility is independent of myocyte Ca2+ while block of stretch channels by streptomycin improves contractility after ischemic stunning. Physiol Rep, 3 (8), 2015, e12486, doi: 10.14814/phy2.12486
Kenyon LK, Farris JP, Aldrich NJ, Rhodes SS. Does power mobility training impact a child’s mastery motivation and spectrum of EEG activity? An exploratory project. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. August 2017.
Kenyon LK, Farris JP, Aldrich NJ, Usoro J, Rhodes SS Changes in EEG Activity in Response to Power Mobility Training: A Pilot Project. Physiotherapy Canada. Accepted March 2019
Hughes, J., Rhodes, S. S., & Dunne, B. E. (2017). Eye Gaze Detection System for Impaired User GUI Control. Tufts University, Sommerville, MA: Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems.
Usoro, J., Kenyon, L. K., Farris, J., Rhodes, S. S., IEEE Great Lakes Biomedical Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, "Changes in EEG Spectrum and mutual information during power mobility training", peer-reviewed/refereed. (April 6, 2017).
Kenyon, L. K., Farris, J., Aldrich, N. J., Usoro, J., Rhodes, S. S., The 2017 Michigan Physical Therapy Association Fall Conference, Frankenmuth, Michigan, ". The impact of power mobility training on EEG activity in children with multiple, severe disabilities: a pilot study", peer-reviewed/refereed. (October 13, 2017).
Gipson, K., Weibel Swanson, D., Rhodes, S., Swanson, G., Posthumus, M., MSGC Conference, Michigan Space Grant Consortium, Ann Arbor MI, "The Roger That! Symposium on Space Exploration", Academic, published in proceedings. (November 11, 2017).
Selesko M., Bossemeyer R., Fishback P., Elisevich K., Rhodes, S. S. Time Evolution of ECoG Network Connectivity in Patients with Refractory Epilepsy. Atlanta, GA: Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Conference, 2018, peer-reviewed/refereed. (October 17-20, 2018)
Corneal L, Baine N, Rhodes SS. Student Success Initiative to Engage and Provide Academic Support for First Year Engineering Students. Annual Conference of ASEE, Tampa FL, June 2019.