Occupational Therapy Department

Professor, Occupational Science and Therapy Department
Coordinator of the OT Hybrid Program
Office Address: - 216D RFH
Email: [email protected]
B.S. Occupational Therapy, Western Michigan University, 1979
M.Ed., Grand Valley State University, 2003
Ed.D., Eastern Michigan University, 2009
Research Interests
Hand and Upper Extremity
Publications in Process
Beasley, J. (2021). Clinical Pearls. In Jacobs, M. and Austin, N., Eds. Orthotic Intervention for the Hand and Upper Extremity: Splinting Principles and Process, 3rd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, Wolters Kluwer.
Representative Publications
Beasley, J., Floyd-Slabaugh, C., Baazov, B., Brundage, K., Repasy, H., Rudenga, C., Phillips, T., Tanja, J. (2019). Lateral Epicondylitis and the Efficacy of Long Arm Orthosis: A Case Series. (Abstract), Journal of Hand Therapy, 32, 4, 557.
Beasley, J., Ward L., Knipper-Fisher, K., Hughes, K., Lunsford, D., Leiras, C. (2019) Conservative therapeutic interventions for osteoarthritic finger joints: A systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy, 32,153-164.
Walukonis, K., Beasley, J., Boerema, R., Powers, J., Anderson, K. (2018). Impact of Finger Position on Pinch Strength. Hand Therapy (Brit.) 23, 2, 70-76. https://doi.org/10.1177/1758998317752966
Beasley, J., Kenyon, L., Medina, A., Chartier, J., Meyers, K., Ashby, B., Anderson, K. (2017) Cane Handle Designs: Pressure and Preference a Pilot Study. Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy 8,2,41-75.
Nottelmann, K., Woods, F., Pittsley, M. Beasley, J., Ashby, B., Anderson. K. (2016) ASHT Annual Meeting Poster Abstract: How can joint protection apply to grocery shopping? An evaluation to determine the optimal handle diameter of shopping carts.(Abstract), Journal of Hand Therapy, 29, 3, 370-371
Pocratsky, J., Ashby, B., Beasley, J. (2014) Dominant Upper Extremity Kinematics and Muscular Activity in Sonographers during Kidney Scanning. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 30, 2, 67-76. DOI: 10.1177/8756479313517767
Vetter, L., Beasley, J., Ashby, B., Bullock, H., Conroy, C., Pocratsky, J. (2013) Variation of Pinch and Grip Force Between Different Size Transducers and the Related Perception of Pain Experienced by Sonographers. Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 29,6,245-252.