Department of Movement Science

Heather Gulgin, PhD, ATC
Office Address: 4540i KHS, Kindschi Hall of Science
Email: [email protected]
B.S. Exercise Science, University of Alabama-Birmingham, 1995
M.S. Exercise Physiology, University of Alabama-Birmingham, 1997
Certificate of Athletic Training, 1997
Ph.D Biomechanics, University of Toledo, 2005
Research Interests
Orthopedic walking boots and effect on gait
Golf biomechanics
Weight-bearing hip rotation range of motion
Current Projects
Weight-bearing hip rotation range of motion
Representative Presentations/Publications
Gulgin, H., Hall, K., Luzadre, A., Kayfish, E. (2016). 3-D Gait Analysis with and without an orthopedic walking boot. American Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Raleigh, NC.
Gulgin, H., Remski, L., Sugg, B., Freybler, J., Van Dusen, A., Payton, D., Sommers, J. (2018). Establishing norms for weight-bearing hip rotation range of motion. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Rochester, MN.
Gulgin, H., Hall, K., Luzadre, A., Kayfish, E. (2018). 3D Gait Analysis with and without an Orthopedic Walking Boot. Gait & Posture, 59:76-82.
Kelch, A., Gulgin, H. (2017). Functional Movement Screen Score by Somatotype Category. Clinical Kinesiology, 71(1):1-8.

Nicholas L. Lerma, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Movement Science
Email: [email protected]
Office: KHS 4412, Kindschi Hall of Science
Research Interests
Physical performance across the lifespan
Physical activity and sedentary behavior assessment
B.A. Exercise Science, Albion College, 2007
M.A. Exercise Physiology, Central Michigan University, 2013
Certificate in Applied Gerontology, 2015
Ph.D Exercise Physiology, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2018
Current Projects
Comparing the Kinect and Vicon motion capture systems in physical education assessment

Krisanne B. Chapin, PhD
Assistant Professor, Movement Science
Email: [email protected]
Office: 4414 KHS, Kindschi Hall of Science
Research Interests
Gait biomechanics in clinical populations
Dynamic balance during locomotion
B.A. Physics, Mount Holyoke College, 1990
M.S. Biomechanics, Purdue University, 1992
Ph.D. Exercise and Movement Science, University of Oregon, 1997