Faculty/Staff Directory

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  • Assistant Professor


Office Address
2200Q Kindschi Hall of Science

Office Phone

Areas of Expertise
General Biology, Science Education, Botany, Aquatic Biology, Ecology

Professional Societies

Michigan Science Teachers Association. (2012 - Present).
National Association of Biology Teachers. (2012 - Present).
National Science Teachers Association. (2012 - Present).

Courses Taught at GVSU

BIO 105 Environmental Science
BIO 120 General Biology I
EDI 331 Methods and Strategies of Secondary Teaching
EDI 432 Student Teaching, Secondary Content Practicum
SCI 225 Integrated Life Science for K-8 Pre-Service Teachers
SCI 336 Ecology for K-8 Pre-Service Teachers
SCI 610 Graduate Research Seminar
SCI 631 Inquiry Curriculum Development

Research Interests

My scholarship focuses on the development of inquiry-based investigations for use in K-12 classrooms.  Current projects include: 1) the influence of stream ecosystem attributes on benthic invertebrate community structure and 2) trophic relationships among beetle seed predators, wasp parasitoids and trees in the Legume family.  I am also interested in the relationships among instructional strategies, student attitude, and Nature of Science understanding.


Ph.D. Botany/Science Education, Miami University, 2011
M.S. Biology, Northern Michigan University, 2005
CERT MI Secondary Education, Northern Michigan University, 1999
B.S. Biology/Ecology, Northern Michigan University, 1997

Select Publications

Meyer, Ashley, Stephen M. Rybczynski, and Deborah Herrington (In Review) Starchy synthesis. Submitted to Michigan Science Teacher Association Journal, 4 September 2016.

Piccard, Keith, Stephen M. Rybczynski, and Peter Riemersma (In Press) Wading Into Ecology: An inquiry lesson on stream ecosystems. Science Scope, Issue to be determined, Accepted 27 May 2016.

Stevens, Bradley, Stephen M. Rybczynski, and Deborah Herrington (In Press) Food and energy for all: Turning a demonstration into an inquiry activity! Science Scope, Issue to be determined, Accepted 12 December 2015.

Rybczynski, Stephen M., Li Zheng, and R. James Hickey (2014) Next Generation Botany: Adding plant biology to the curriculum. The Science Teacher, 81(7): 53-59.

Bautista, Nazan U., Elizaeth E. Schussler, and Stephen M. Rybczynski (2014) Instructional Experiences of Graduate Assistants Implementing Explicit and Reflective Introductory Biology Laboratories. International Journal of Science Education, 36(7): 1184-1209 DOI:10.1080/09500693.2013.853146

Rybczynski, Stephen M. and Elisabeth E. Schussler. (2013) The effects of instructional model on student attitude in an introductory undergraduate biology laboratory. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Vol. 7: No. 2, Article 22

Manuscripts in Progress

Rieger, Kristy, Deborah Herrington, and Stephen M. Rybczynski (In Prep) The doctor is in. To be submitted to American Biology Teacher.

Olson, Timothy, Deborah Herrington, and Stephen M. Rybczynski (In Prep) Inquiry learning with macroinvertebrates. To be submitted to Michigan Science Teachers Association Journal.

Rybczynski, Stephen M., Yvonne Wooster, and Jason Erndteman (In Prep) Collembola, Cones, and the carbon cycle: An inquiry into the ecology of decomposition. To be submitted to Science Scope

Rybczynski, Stephen M. and Mac Strand (In Prep) Benthic ecology of five low-order Lake Superior Tributaries. To be submitted to the Michigan Academician

Recent Presentations

Piccard, Keith, Stephen M. Rybczynski, and Peter Riemersma. 63rd Michigan Science Teacher Association Annual Conference, "Wading into Ecology; Using Aquatic Invertebrates to Explore Stream Ecosystems", MSTA, Lansing, MI. (March 4, 2016).

Rybczynski, Stephen M., Li, Z., Hickey, R. J., NABT 2014 Professional Development Conference, "Next Generation Botany: Infusing plant biology into the curriculum with redbud," National Association of Biology Teachers, Cleveland, Ohio. (November 15, 2014).

Rybczynski, Stephen M., Peter Riemersma, and Keith Piccard. Great Lakes Place Based Education Conference, "The Riparian Area Integrated Learning (RAIL) Project," Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative, Grand Rapids, MI. (November 7, 2014).

Rybczynski, Stephen M., Li, Z., R., H. J., 61st Michigan Science Teacher Association Annual Conference, "Next Generation Botany: Infusing plant biology into the curriculum with redbud (Cercis canadensis L.)," MSTA, Lansing, MI. (March 7, 2014).

Llerandi-Roman, P., Miller, H. R., Dobson, C., Mattox, S., Rybczynski, S. M., Regional Virtual Educa Conference, "Cambio  climático y la naturaleza de las ciencias: temas centrales en el desarrollo, implementación y evaluación de un curso de ciencias integradas con énfasis en las ciencias terrestres y biológicas.," Government of Puerto Rico, Department of Education, Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (December 18, 2013).

Rybczynski, Stephen M., Li, Z., and Hickey, R.J. (2013) Next Generation Botany: An inquiry lesson integrating plant biology throughout the curriculum. Oral Presentation at Fall Science Update, Grand Rapids, MI.


Page last modified May 1, 2020