Accounting Graduate Degrees
M.S. in Accounting

The Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) offers an intensive, concentrated learning experience focused on accounting. This specialization is designed for those pursuing Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification and careers in public, industry, and non-profit accounting.
M.S. in Taxation

The Master of Science in Taxation (MST) serves individuals who are interested in expanding or continuing their education in taxation. It is a specialized degree for tax professionals.
Combined Degree

The combined Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Science in Accounting program offers students the opportunity to complete both an undergraduate and a graduate degree, meeting both their unique personal academic and career goals. Pursuing a combined degree can reduce the cost and total time required to complete both.
MST Stackable Badges

Badges offer flexibility for those who may not be ready to commit to the MST degree; however, all completed courses within a badge can be applied to the MST degree down the road. Badges provide the option to earn an advanced credential focused on just the area of tax in which you want deeper knowledge. Our stackable badges may be taken in any order, with the indicated prerequisites.