Job Changes

In Workday, the "Change Job" business process allows managers to update a variety of job-related changes to an employee in their supervisory organization. 

The change job business process is used to update a variety of job-related changes on employees including transferring them to a new position, promoting them, changing their location, updating their title, changing their job profile in their current position, and updating a fixed term employee’s end date.

Please view the Job Changes page for additional information and resources.


Change job can be initiated either at the department level by the employee's manager or department admin, or within Human Resources. If an employee is being transferred to a new position in a new supervisory organization, the move would be initiated within human resources. 


Terminology: Lateral, Promotion, Transfer

Lateral is used when moving an employee to a different position on the same team or when changing an employee’s job profile with no increase in compensation. Promotion is used when moving an employee to a different position on the same team or when changing an employee’s job profile with an increase in compensation. Transfer is used when an employee is changing supervisory organizations. Transfer is divided into two-categories, Transfer-Promotion and Transfer-Lateral. The former is used when compensation will be increasing, and the latter is used when there will be no increase in compensation.

When to Use Change Job

As a manager, you may initiate the Change Job process for your team members only. After you initiate, the business process will route to HR and Payroll for completion. Managers use this process to initiate any of the following:

  • Data Changes
  • Manager Changes
  • Promotion- Any job profile change that involves a comp change
  • Demotion
  • Job Classification Changes- A Classification change is a Reclassification, Upgrade and Downgrade of a position
  • Interim Assignments
  • Transfer- A transfer to a comparable position in a new supervisory organization (no compensation change)

Before You Start

Ensure personnel policies and procedures have been followed and appropriate approvals have been received before making changes. This may include:

  • Manager identifies a need for the job change and works with HR
  • Manager discusses change with employee
  • Receiving manager approves change
  • HR or Comp completes any other necessary steps (e.g., create position, create job requisition, generate offer letter)

Page last modified February 21, 2024