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Reporting to GVSU


We understand that your concerns may be of a sensitive nature and can offer support to help you.  A report to our office provides you with certain rights, options, and protections, and gives the University the opportunity to connect with you and discuss supportive measures and resources.  It does not initiate any other action.

If you have experienced, witnessed, or been impacted by discrimination, harassment, misconduct (including sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, bullying, endangerment, and hazing), and retaliation, we encourage you to report the incident.

Reporting allows our office to engage in an interactive process with you to discuss and provide supportive measures, which are designed to ensure your safety and continued participation at GVSU. Reporting does not obligate you to initiate an investigation or take any action. You have the option to request action now, in the future, or not at all.

Reports can be made at any time (including during non-business hours) through our online reporting form.

If you are experiencing an emergency, contact 911.

You can report an incident to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX through our online reporting form, by phone at (616) 331-9530, or by contacting a member of our team.

You may also choose to report the incident to the Grand Valley Police Department by calling (616) 331-3255.

Access Support
& Resources

Mandatory Reporters

Unless identified as a confidential resource, all university employees (including resident assistants, graduate assistants, and student employees) are obligated to promptly report to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator through GVSU's online reporting form incidents of discrimination, harassment, misconduct (including sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, bullying, endangerment, and hazing), and retaliation that they become aware in their capacity as a university employee, not in a personal capacity. More information can be found on our Mandatory Reporters page.

Benefits of Reporting

Benefits of reporting include:

  • Expansive options for supportive measures, which include campus modifications within housing, employment, courses, organizations, and are tailored to the needs of each student.  These measures are designed in partnership with you that allow continued participation within all aspects of GVSU's community.
    • You can access supportive measures even if you choose not to file a formal complaint.
  • Protection from retaliation or adverse action for the purpose of interfering with rights or privileges under the law and GVSU policy.
  • The option to request any other action through the University now, in the future, or not at all.  If and when you choose to request any other action, the University will take the report seriously and take quick action to stop the behavior, and protect you.

Contact us for assistance and information. We are here to help.

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX

4015 James H. Zumberge Hall
(616) 331-9530

Once a Report is Received

Once a report is received, a member of our team will promptly reach out to the impacted party and:

  • discuss supportive measures available to ensure their safety and continued access to programs and activities GVSU offers;
    • available regardless of whether they choose to file a formal complaint
  • inform them of helpful resources on campus and in the community and their protection from retaliation; and
  • discuss their option to file a formal complaint.


If the impacted party requests university resolution, they can expect:

  • A prompt, thorough, fair, and impartial process;
  • To be treated with dignity and respect throughout;
  • Clear and transparent communication; and
  • An opportunity to share their story and be heard.

Anonymous Disclosures

You may submit anonymous disclosures of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX. Through the online anonymous form, you can let us know of a concern, communicate with a member of our office, and access resources without revealing your identity. 

Individuals who prefer to disclose concerns to the University anonymously can complete the online form.

The disclosure form is hosted by an independent, third-party vendor who provides secure, anonymous reporting services. The vendor is contractually committed to preserving your anonymity and not pursue your identity.

If you are unable to access the anonymous reporting form for any reason, you may still anonymously submit a disclosure to the Office for Title IX and Institutional Equity. To do so by phone, you may call our office at (616) 331-9530 from a blocked number and withhold your name when you speak with one of our staff. Or, you may email our office at [email protected] from an email address that does not contain personally-identifying information. You may share as much or as little information as you feel comfortable.

Mandatory Reporters designated in GVSU's Interim Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Misconduct For All Faculty, Students, Employees, and Third Parties are unable to report anonymously and must use GVSU's online reporting form to fulfill reporting obligations.  More information can be found on our Mandatory Reporters page.

Visit our Office for Civil Rights (OCR) page for information about reporting to the Department of Education.

Page last modified September 17, 2024