Employee Resources

This page is intended to help GVSU employees as they assist students who have been impacted by harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, and retaliation.  Employees who have been impacted please visit our Options and Resources page.


GVSU encourages all members of the community to report when notified of discrimination or sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence (dating/domestic violence), sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, or gender-based harassment.

We understand that these issues may be of a sensitive nature and can offer support to help those impacted.  A report to our office provides the impacted party with certain rights, options, and protections, and gives us the opportunity to connect with the impacted party and discuss supportive measures and resources, it does not initiate any other action.

GVSU designates many employees as Mandatory Reporters who must immediately report the information to the Title IX Coordinator.  More information can be found under the Mandatory Reporters section of this page.

Incidents of Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, & Sexual Misconduct (including Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, & Sexual Exploitation) can be reported through our online reporting form.

Guides for Reporting Sexual Misconduct at GVSU

Mandatory Reporter's Guide

This resource is designed for GVSU employees/student employees who are Mandatory Reporters and provides information about obligations, benefits of reporting, and offers helpful reassurances.

Employee Guide

This resource is designed for GVSU employees who are not Mandatory Reporters and provides information about the benefits of reporting and offers helpful reassurances.

When the student is ready to talk, we are ready to listen.

If you have questions or need consultation, we are here. Reach out.

Mandatory Reporters

Mandatory Reporters must report through GVSU's online reporting form to fulfill reporting obligations.

In the interest of ensuring that anyone experiencing potential Sexual Harassment are provided with support, resources, and options, unless identified as a confidential resource, all university employees are obligated to promptly report to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual misconduct, stalking, and relationship violence that:

  • Are observed or learned about in their professional capacity
  • Involve a member of the university community or
  • Occurred at a university-sponsored event or on university property

Employees are only required to report Sexual Harassment/Sexual Misconduct of which they become aware in their capacity as a university employee, not in a personal capacity.

While student employees and third-party contractors are not included in this list, Graduate Assistants and Resident Assistants are obligated to report.


Title IX Training - October 10, 2022

Confidential Resources

Certain University employees and volunteers provide important counseling, health, advocacy, and other support services to members of the University community. These employees must be able to assist individuals in receiving medical care, counseling, and support services without the requirement to report conduct to the University.

Therefore, employees and volunteers who work in the programs and roles designated below are exempt from this Reporting Protocol with regard to incidents disclosed to them during provision of services.

Exempt Programs and Roles

• University Counseling Center
• GVSU Campus Health Center
• GVSU Family Health Center
• Gayle R. Davis Center for Women and Gender Equity
• Employee Ombuds
• Student Ombuds

Employees and volunteers in exempt service programs and roles are not otherwise exempt from reporting incidents they witness or learn of in the workplace. For example, if an employee of an exempt service program witnesses sexual harassment or assault of a co-worker by another University employee or in the context of a University program or activity, the employee must report the incident.

Reporting Options and Resources: Exempt service programs are required to provide individuals with information regarding reporting options and available resources whenever possible, including (i) the right to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX and/or law enforcement; (ii) the University’s prohibition of retaliation; and (iii) supportive resources, including counseling, medical, and academic.”

We understand that these issues may be of a sensitive nature and can offer support to help those impacted.  A report to our office provides the impacted party with certain rights, options, and protections, and gives us the opportunity to connect with the impacted party and discuss supportive measures and resources, it does not initiate any other action.

Once a Report is Received

Once a report is received, a member of our team will promptly reach out to the impacted party and:

  • discuss supportive measures available to ensure their safety and continued access to programs and activities GVSU offers
    • available regardless of whether they choose to file a formal complaint
  • inform them of helpful resources on campus and in the community and their protection from retaliation; and
  • discuss their option to file a formal complaint.

Request a Training

The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX is available to provide a training program for your department, group, or team.  

Possible training topics include:

  • Mandatory Reporter - Obligations and Benefits of Reporting
  • Non-Mandatory Reporter Employee - Benefits of Reporting
  • Services, Options, and Support available through our Office
  • Policy Overview: GVSU's Policy Prohibiting Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, & Sexual Misconduct (including Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, & Sexual Exploitation)
  • Process Overview: GVSU's Resolution Process

We look forward to working with you!

Request a Training

Syllabus Statement

We invite and encourage faculty to use this syllabus statement to educate students on their rights and resources:

GVSU is committed to providing fairness and equity in all aspects of your educational experience.  Harassment and discrimination not only disrupt this commitment but may violate GVSU policy as well as Title IX and/or other federal or state laws.

Should you experience sexual harassment, sex/gender discrimination, dating/domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation and/or retaliation, please contact the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX at (616) 331-9530, and/or report the information through the University's online reporting form.  

Reporting does not compel you to engage in any further action.  It does, however, allow TIXIE to discuss your experience with you and to assess and approve any measures needed to assure you have a safe, fair, and equitable educational experience.  If any of those approved supportive measures impact your participation in this course, please provide me with a copy of the memo issued by the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX.  

Supportive Measures

Supportive Measures are designed to preserve or restore equal access to GVSU programs and activities as part of GVSU's commitment to providing an educational environment, a workplace, programs, and activities that are free from all forms of harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct.  These measures are also a critical part of GVSU's compliance under federal Title IX regulations.

This list contains some common questions and answers for employees regarding Supportive Measures.  If you have a question or would like to discuss a situation, we are available to assist.  Please contact us by phone at (616) 331-9530 or by email at [email protected]

Please refer the student to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX first.  Under federal law, the Title IX Coordinator is charged with effectively coordinating the implementation of supportive measures.  Our office will engage in an interactive process with the student to determine reasonable and appropriate supportive measures.  

No.  Confidentiality in these matters is dictated by law.  Details of a reported incident are not made available unless necessary for carrying out a particular supportive measure.  It is important not to ask the student for more information about the nature of the situation.  We understand that this may be difficult; however, it can have an adverse impact on the student and put the university at risk.  

Although you may be open to listening if a student chooses to share details with you (without your actual or implied solicitation of information) it is very important that you communicate respect for the student’s privacy regarding the situation.

Absolutely! We invite and encourage faculty to use this syllabus statement to educate students on their rights and resources:

GVSU is committed to providing fairness and equity in all aspects of your educational experience.  Harassment and discrimination not only disrupt this commitment but may violate GVSU policy as well as Title IX and/or other federal or state laws.

Should you experience sexual harassment, sex/gender discrimination, dating/domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation and/or retaliation, please contact the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX at (616) 331-9530, and/or report the information through the University's online reporting form.

Reporting does not compel you to engage in any further action.  It does, however, allow Office of Civil Rights and Title IX to discuss your experience with you and to assess and approve any measures needed to assure you have a safe, fair, and equitable educational experience.  If any of those approved supportive measures impact your participation in this course, please provide me with a copy of the memo issued by Office of Civil Rights and Title IX.  

Yes.  Supportive measures are determined through collaboration with you, issued in compliance with federal law, and align with GVSU’s commitment to providing an educational environment, a workplace, programs, and activities that are free from all forms of harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX.

Supportive measures are individualized services offered as appropriate and reasonably available designed to preserve or restore equal access to GVSU programs and activities. Some of the most common supportive measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Altering work arrangements for employees or student employees
  • Altering on-campus housing assignment
  • Academic modifications, extensions of deadlines, or other course/program-related adjustments
  • Class schedule modifications
  • Any other measured deemed appropriate by Office of Civil Rights and Title IX

Confidential Resources

Page last modified July 19, 2024