Sex Ed; What is Taught in the Classroom and What is Taught Outside the Classroom

PRESENTERS: Heather Wallace (Faculty), Dolly Kellogg (Student), Maggie Guevara (Student), and Zosia Mackey (Student)                   ZOOM LINK

When it comes to Sex Education, there is little to say about what we were formally taught and more to say on what we learned to make up for what we were not taught in the classroom. Our program aims to highlight many of the social injustices within the poor Sex Education that not only we as a team, but so many others have admittedly received. Poor Sex Ed is a social justice issue because everyone deserves the equal right to thorough, fair, and guilt free information, and without that so many are unknowingly putting themselves at risk. These injustices are highlighted through our discussion and activities that stimulate discussions surrounding topics such as the lack of sexually inclusive education and resources, and the harmful challenges that arise from continuing to let sex be a taboo subject within education. Roundtable

Page last modified November 2, 2022