How White Feminism Harms Women of Color: An Allied and Intersectional Perspective

PRESENTERS: Rachel Dziabuda (Faculty) and Jenna Thornton

This workshop will highlight how mainstream white feminist movements have historically excluded women of color from the discussion and perpetuated white privilege to hold power over women and people of color. It will detail specific historical events and trends of the women's rights and civil rights movements. It will also include discussions on how the history of white feminism has created and maintained inequality and inequity for women of color in multiple aspects of life. We will focus the conversation on how white allies can and must confront white privilege, white supremacy, and white fragility in themselves and society around them to create spaces for people of color. The main takeaway we hope people get from this workshop is the need to take an intersectional perspective when confronting the history and current dynamics and racism in mainstream feminism, as well as knowing when to make room for people and women of color to be leaders of a movement that has historically excluded and forgotten them. (Workshop/Presentation)

Page last modified October 30, 2022