College Life Accessibility for Students with Invisible Disabilities

PRESENTERS;  Josita Maoune-Cavin (Faculty) and Rachel

This workshop aims to promote empathy and understanding toward college students with invisible disabilities and to open up a discussion about how ableism -- whether individual (internalized), social, or institutional -- affects disabled students' ability to engage in college life. The workshop will kick off with a choose-your-own-adventure activity in quiz format with the stated goal: as a disabled student, complete as many tasks on your to-do list as possible in the given day. The workshop will also include group discussions about disability identity and universal design (UD) principles applied to college course late policies. We will define ableism and discuss some of its most salient occurrences in liberal education, with the aim to promote greater understanding of the phenomenon to both abled-bodies and disabled students, faculty and staff. Workshop

Page last modified October 30, 2022