Civic Engagement Events

Democracy 101: Grand Rapids "Bring It to the Table" Event

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM


Bring It to The Table is a documentary film that encourages people to stop bickering about politics, examine their own assumptions, and truly engage in civil discourse to help move our democracy forward. Aimed at bridging political divides, the film elevates the national conversation about issues that matter to us all. Bring it to the Table encourages people to really listen to what their fellow students, co-workers, neighbors, friends, family members, and even total strangers, really think. Join us for this film event which inspires civil discourse that leads to real change.

This event is co-sponsored by the Padnos/Sarosik Civil Discourse Program, Ford Presidential Foundation, Educational Foundations (COE), and Common Ground; it is supported by the Office of Student Life and the COE Teacher Education Program. Lib 100 approved!

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Page last modified February 11, 2020