Opportunity Title
Student Scholars Day

Opportunity Type

Duties of Volunteer
Registration: The headquarters for the day is the registration table. As a registration volunteer, you will register students, give out name tags, distribute schedules, etc. You will be one of the first persons to welcome the presenters, faculty, guests, hosts and greeters to the Student Scholars Day. This position keeps the day running smoothly. Session Host: Throughout the day the classrooms will be used for the oral presentations. You will be in the classroom to welcome and introduce the student presenters just before they give their 15-minute presentations. In order to keep the presentations running smoothly, you'll have cue cards on hand to let the presenters know when it's time to wind down their talk. At the end of each presentation, you'll thank the audience and presenter for attending the event. A room greeter will be available to assist you as needed. This position supports the student presenters. Greeter: Throughout the day there will be many people coming and going throughout the Padnos and Henry Halls, and the Kirkhof Center. Your job will be to welcome and direct guests. You will also fill in as Session Hosts as needed. In the event equipment is needed you will be the 'runner' that lets the registration table know assistance is needed. This position provides ongoing welcome and support to our guests and presenters.

Deadline to register
April 3, 2019

Jamesha T Tiner

Description of event
Student Scholars Day (SSD) is held once each year to celebrate the scholarship and creative work performed by GVSU students. The day showcases faculty-mentored student work, shared through many venues, including (but not limited to) oral presentations, discussion and panel sessions, fine arts exhibits and performances, and poster presentations.In order to have a successful and meaningful Student Scholars Day, more than 100 student volunteers are needed to make it happen. Similar to a conference, it is a day that celebrates student research and creative endeavors

Event Date
April 10, 2019 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM

Henry Hall Atrium, Kirkhof Center, and the Mary Idema Pew Library

Address 1
1 Campus Drive





Details of special training
Volunteers will be expected to review volunteer orientation information. It will be emailed to volunteers on Tuesday, April 9. The email will cover important information that will help volunteers understand their roles in SSD.

Details of special skills

Is the location accessible by The Rapid?

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