RecWell Stories

Katie Jourdan

Katie Jourdan

"Recreation & Wellness takes so many forms and I think that pursuing a lifestyle of health and well-being has afforded me so many opportunities to be an adventurer. I have had opportunities to hike to Machu Picchu, work through a panic attack and conquer Half Dome in Yosemite, try cultural delicacies in Argentina, take many hikes in the Rockies, slow down to enjoy the Lake Michigan shoreline, drink tea from a mountain tea house, and so much more.

As a new GVSU staff member, Recreation & Wellness gives me an opportunity to connect with students. In my role of coordinating health and wellness initiatives on campus, I want to be sure that student wants and needs are driving the initiatives throughout the university, and what better way to find out their wants and needs than by connecting with them and asking."



“I unplug to recharge and refresh. Scrolling through my phone bogs me down mentally (and most of the time, physically). I need time outside in fresh air; time alone in my head with wandering thoughts; time with friends, family and dogs uninterrupted. Unplugging is what resets me for a new day, new task or new adventure.”

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Page last modified November 21, 2019