Policy Details

Date of Last Update

Approved By
  • Senior Leadership Team

Responsible Office
Provost and Facility Planning Offices


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Space Assignment Policy

SLT 3.15

Policy Statement

Space is an institutional resource of Grand Valley State University. As such, it does not belong to an individual, a program, a unit or a college and may be reassigned in the best interests of the University. The goal of the University’s allocation and reallocation of space is to achieve the highest and best use of University resources.

The Provost’s Office is responsible for assigning and overseeing space used for academic purposes, including classrooms, laboratories, academic secretarial spaces, and faculty offices. It discharges that responsibility by working closely with the Facilities Planning Office to maintain and remodel existing space; to allocate and reallocate that space; to help plan, schedule, and coordinate moves; to plan new space; and to explain allocation and reallocation decisions.

The Facilities Planning Office is responsible for overseeing all non-academic space, including outdoor space. It discharges that responsibility by working closely with the Provost’s Office to maintain and remodel existing space; to allocate and reallocate that space; to help plan, schedule, and coordinate moves; to plan new space; and to explain allocation and reallocation decisions.

At least annually, Facilities Planning will conduct a physical review of space to investigate identified issues or potential space issues that need attention.

Periodically, the Provost’s Office and the Facilities Planning Office will meet with appropriate representatives of the University’s organizational units to discuss upcoming moves and longer term plans for expansion and/or contraction.

This policy is applicable to all departments, offices, University employees and other members of the University community occupying space owned or leased by the University.