PMASI - Mission, Vision, Values, and Program Learning Outcomes
Mission Statement:
The Professional Master of Arts in Social Innovation (PMASI) Program at Grand Valley State University prepares students to be innovators, practitioners and organizational change agents across for-profit, nonprofit, and government sectors.
Vision Statement:
The PMA in Social Innovation Program at Grand Valley State University provides students with the critical skills needed to work collaboratively with key stakeholders across sectors to address complex social problems in local, regional and even global organizations and communities. The PMASI program fosters a dynamic community of interdisciplinary professionals who will work collaboratively to critique, challenge, and advance the study and practice of social innovation.
Values supporting the program - We believe that:
- Cross-sector innovation grounded in deep humanistic understanding, in-depth research theories and methodologies, and stakeholder involvement, are critical to addressing complex social problems.
- Interdisciplinary training is critical to developing student skills for cross-sector innovation including responsible conduct of research, civic engagement, and sustainable community partnerships.
- Inclusive excellence and intercultural training are central to collaborative problem solving and are reflected in classroom teaching, program curricula, and student learning.
- Community partnerships are reciprocal, mutually beneficial and inclusive, and sustainable communities require engaged and responsible partnership across sectors.
- Cross-sector innovation requires consultation and collaborative problem solving to meet the changing context of local, regional, national and global concerns.
- Students learn most effectively when academic learning is interwoven with involvement in applied and experiential learning. Faculty collaboration with community partners is essential to support student engagement and active learning.
- Supportive, collaborative relationships between faculty and students within a rigorous learning environment are core features that foster student and program success.
Program Outcomes - Upon completing the program students will be able to:
- Identify appropriate interdisciplinary research methods, approaches and theories to creatively address complex social problems.
- Apply interdisciplinary research methods and analysis (including integration, multiple method approaches, and assessment of critical frameworks) to promote sustainable human communities.
- Design problem solving strategies using collaborative, iterative processes and involving multiple stakeholders.
- Integrate theory and practice within social innovation frameworks broadly, and in their specialized project areas.
- Identify and critically evaluate structural inequalities, implicit values, and power relationships across sectors (for-profit, nonprofit, and government) which shape the communities with whom they are engaged.
- Develop communication skills in order to build relationships with diverse community stakeholders using a variety of forms (such as digital media, research reports, white papers, collaborative interviews, community meetings etc.)
- Demonstrate creative engagement with diverse communities, including familiarity with various models and methods of community engagement.