Minor in Public Administration
The 21-credit minor in public administration provides students with knowledge and skills necessary for success and advancement in public and nonprofit organizations.
A minor in public administration is useful for a wide variety of majors and can open the door to exciting careers in public service!

Would you like to have a conversation about this minor?
Please schedule an appointment with Breeann Gorham
Key People
- Program coordinator: Quincy Williams
- Academic advisor: Breeann Gorham
- Career Center contact: Grace Pushman
- Library liaison: Ashley Rosener
- Internship coordinator: Quincy Williams
Job Boards
- CMF Job Bank (Michigan)
- ICMA Job Center
- Public Service Careers
- IdealistCareers.org
- Lumity NPO.net (Chicago area)
- MNA Nonprofit Job Center (Michigan)
- Work for Good
- More public administration job boards
Public Administration Graduates

Adam Klug combined this minor with his Communications Studies major. He is now a Senior Consultant at AEBetancourt.

Dana Nicholson combined this minor with her Psychology major. She is now Regional Sales Director with HealthBridge

Jacob Schacht combined this minor with his major in Political Science and is currently Assistant to the City Manager at City of Battle Creek.

Tyler Ziola combined this minor with his Management major and is now a Senior Associate/Onboarding Specialist at Ernst & Young.