Free Time Activities





Exhibitor Hall

Fieldhouse Arena

Check out the Exhibitor Hall where you will find lots of hands-on STEM activities by local community and business partners. Stop by each booth to get a raffle ticket for an HP Chromebook or R2D2 Lego set! You will need your MSO wristband to enter. The more exhibitors you talk to, the more chances you will have to win!

 2 pm - 4:30 pm

Rock Sale

1st Floor Padnos Hallway

The GVSU Geology Club will be selling rocks for minimal costs.  Cash and Venmo only.

10 am - 3 pm

Climbing Wall


(Price $5) There is a multitude of climbing experiences to take part in including Bouldering and Top-Roping. Please note: climbs available are based on the experience of the climber and available supervisors on site. GVSU is a cash-free campus, so climbers should be prepared to pay with a card.* Parents must sign an online waiver in order for minors to participate.

11 am - 3 pm

GVSU Laker Store

Kindschi Hall

Are you wondering what a campus bookstore looks like?  Check it out!  Be sure to visit both floors!

10 am - 5 pm

*GVSU is a cashless campus and accepts Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, and Tap-and-Go.

If a student or guest only has cash, they can visit the Cash to Card Kiosk in the main entrance of the Laker Market Place (next to Kindschi Hall) to put money on a card. This service is free.

EXCEPTION: The Geology Club Rock Sale and the Great Lakes GeoScience Rock Sale ONLY take cash.

Page last modified February 6, 2025