HPE Scoop

International Teaching Opportunities in HPE

There are many opportunities to teach Health and Physical education overseas. Dr. Johnson taught Elementary PE in Dhaka, Bangladesh and High School ESL (through the Peace Corps) in Radom, Poland. She's happy to chat with you about how you can get a teaching job overseas once you graduate from GVSU.

  1. US Peace Corps - https://www.peacecorps.gov/
    1. There are many options within the PC. You can teach English, work as a sports development coordinator, youth development programs, etc. 
  2. American International Schools-https://www.state.gov/key-topics-office-of-overseas-schools/teaching-in-international-schools-overseas/

The best way to secure international teaching positions is through specific job fairs. There are a few different options- see the link for the list. 

Job Fairs: https://www.state.gov/key-topics-office-of-overseas-schools/teaching-in-international-schools-overseas/#jobfairs

 Department of Defense Schools- https://www.dodea.edu/offices/human-resources/work-dodea

These are schools that are run by the US Government, and they are located all over the world. It's a good opportunity if you are interested in teaching overseas.

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Page last modified September 5, 2023